[wanabidii] State Dept says No to Israeli deterrence, What Status Quo? National Pickle Day - Nov. 14, 2014

Friday, November 14, 2014

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November 14, 2014 / 21 Heshvan 5775 / Shabbat Shalom


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WARNING: Reading this article is likely to get you very upset.
US Decides Destroying Arab Terrorists' Homes Is 'Counterproductive'
Tch-tch. DestroyingTerrorists; property might make the Arab angry.
The driver of this tractor destroyed a bus and peoples' lives in Jerusalem in August.

Kerry Says Nothing in 2025 Words
Just when things were started to calm down, Kerry parachutes form the moon to take credit.
John Kerry up in the air and out of this world.

Israel Says 'Radical Muslims' Trying to Change Status Quo on Temple Mount
Netanyahu's spokesman affirms the "status quo" gives Jews the right to visit the Temple Mount.
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