[wanabidii] Police find weapons and fireworks headed for JM, Gush Etzion Hit & Run was terrorism, Olim and Gun Licenses - Nov 20, 2014

Thursday, November 20, 2014

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November 20, 2014 / 27 Heshvan 5775


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Headlines & Recommended

Police Capture Massive Shipment of Swords, Knives and Fireworks for Jerusalem Arabs
There were disguised as Christmas gifts, which were to be used to kill Jews.
Swords Knives and Fireworks

Gush Etzion Run-Over Was Terrorism, Not Traffic Accident [video]
Cleared for publication: Security forces have determined that the hit and run near El Aroub in Gush Etzion was a terror attack and not a traffic accident.
Gush Etzion Runover Footage

New Olim: You Can't Get Your Gun License on your Aliyah Flight
To clear up a misunderstanding, you cannot apply for your gun license on the plane and receive it with your Teudat Zehut when you land.
Jack Bauer El Al Aliyah Flight

Israel Not Releasing Terrorist Bodies
The state has decided it will not release the bodies of the two terrorists from the Har Nof Massacre.
Medics rescue the dead and wounded on the steps of the Jerusalem synagogue where Arab terrorists murdered four Jews while they were praying Tuesday morning.

Cousin Aryeh
I joined the large crowd but this time it was more personal; my cousin Aryeh was one of the victims.

Blame The Jews
Israel's Temple Mount policy prefers to blames the Jews-not the attackers-for the crisis.
MK Moshe-Feiglin

Rep. Steve Cohen Proposes Building Moat around the White House
Why not? Obama already lives like he is on his own island.
A moat would help keep Obama safe from Americans - and perhaps the other way around.

The US is Asking UAE to Explain Why CAIR is a Terrorist Group?
US can't understand why the UAE is calling terrorist groups terrorist groups.
Jeff Rathke, U.S. State Department Press Office Director. Nov. 18, 2014.

Baroness Sayeeda Warsi.

Gaza Launches 4 Rockets in 24 Hours
The army believes that the Gazans are testing their rockets in order to increase their rocket launching capabilities.
school ceasefire

Mayor Suspends Arab Construction Workers In Kindergartens As PM Fails To Provide Security
Mayor Shimoni was looking to provide security, albeit in an unpopular way, because his prime minister has not been able to. Calling him names does not change the fact that Israeli civilians are not safe from being murdered in the street by blood-crazy Arab individuals.
Ashkelon Mayor Itamar Shiloni

Ashdod Joins Ashkelon to Impose Racism to Stop Terrorism
Wholesale discrimination against Arabs is blatantly illegal and racist but sends a strong message to the police.
Arab construction workers or terrorists? Or Both?

Rabbi Moshe Twersky, Z"TL: An Angel Of Hashem [hy'd]
It is difficult to write about such a holy person, for I fear I will not accurately portray his greatness...

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