| Is the new generation of Moto G better than its previous version and does it successfully address the loopholes that the first-generatio<wbr>n Moto G was criticised for. We find out. | |  | |
| By raising as much as $25 billion, Alibaba is poised to break the record for the largest initial public offering in history. | |  | |
| Larry Ellison, co-founder and leader of Oracle Corp for 37 years, stepped aside as chief executive officer on Thursday, to be replaced by co-CEOs Safra Catz and Mark Hurd. | |  | |
| Safra Catz, who was co-president and CFO of Oracle until Thursday, has just been promoted to co-CEO alongside Mark Hurd. | |  | |
| Here are some glimpses of these colourful Apple fans lined to grab their new iPhones. | |  | |
| The pair have set out to work on a new digital music format that they believe will lure us all into buying singles and albums once again. | |  | |
| Facebook announced that it will be delivering more-timely stories "to show everyone the right content at the right time." | |  | |
| Microsoft Corp will close its Silicon Valley research and development operation as part of 2,100 layoffs announced on Thursday. | |  | |
| The Jivi JSP 20, India’s sports a 3.5-inch display and is priced at Rs 1,999. | |  | |
| Twitpic is being acquired in a deal that will give renewed life to the widely used service for sharing pictures on Twitter. | |  | |