[wanabidii] New Moto G review: A small step forward

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Is the new generation of Moto G better than its previous version and does it successfully address the loopholes that the first-generatio<wbr>n Moto G was criticised for. We find out. 

 New Moto G review: A small step forward 


 iPhone 6 launch: Colourful fans line up outside stores 

By raising as much as $25 billion, Alibaba is poised to break the record for the largest initial public offering in history. 

 Alibaba beats Facebook, raises $21.7 bn in biggest-ever IPO 

Larry Ellison, co-founder and leader of Oracle Corp for 37 years, stepped aside as chief executive officer on Thursday, to be replaced by co-CEOs Safra Catz and Mark Hurd. 

 Oracle CEO Larry Ellison steps down, co-CEOs Catz and Hurd take over 

Safra Catz, who was co-president and CFO of Oracle until Thursday, has just been promoted to co-CEO alongside Mark Hurd. 

 Meet new Oracle co-CEO Safra Catz, the highest-paid female executive in the world 
  What's Hot     

Here are some glimpses of these colourful Apple fans lined to grab their new iPhones.

 iPhone 6 launch: Colourful fans line up outside stores 

The pair have set out to work on a new digital music format that they believe will lure us all into buying singles and albums once again. 

 Apple and U2 are working on a new music format 

Facebook announced that it will be delivering more-timely stories "to show everyone the right content at the right time." 

 Facebook Newsfeed will display more timely and relevant content 

Microsoft Corp will close its Silicon Valley research and development operation as part of 2,100 layoffs announced on Thursday. 

 Microsoft lays off 2,100, axes Silicon Valley research 

The Jivi JSP 20, India’s sports a 3.5-inch display and is priced at Rs 1,999. 

 India's 'cheapest' Android smartphone launched at Rs 1,999 

Twitpic is being acquired in a deal that will give renewed life to the widely used service for sharing pictures on Twitter. 

 Twitpic to stay alive with mysterious new owner 

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