[wanabidii] Baltimore Shul shot at on Rosh Hashana, Abbas attacks Israel at UN, Chelsea Clinton has baby girl - Sept 27, 2014

Sunday, September 28, 2014

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September 27, 2014 / 3 Tishri 5775 
Shavua Tov / Shana Tova
(Tomorrow is Tzom Gedaliah)

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Headlines & Recommended

BB Gunman Fires at Jews in Baltimore on Rosh HaShanah
An anti-Semite shot a wake-up call for Jews in Baltimore.
A man screaming

Netanyahu to Hit Back At Abbas in United Nations
Netanyahu also will meet with President Obama.
Prime Minister Netanyahu will pound back at Abbas in a speech at the UN on Monday

Abbas' United Nations Speech Throws Obama under the Bus
Abbas' threatened "bomb" at the United Nations was a diplomatic Kamikaze speech.
Abbas sounded like Arafat in a UN speech that angered even the US.

Focusing on ISIS in U.N. Speech, Obama Virtually Ignores Iran
Obama devoted only 78 words at #UNGA to greatest threat to world peace, the #Iran nuclear threat; 1,540 words to #ISIS

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