[wanabidii] Amira experiences Apartheid. IHH man joins ISIS, gets Killed. Oklahoma beheading. Where is Mohammed Zoabi - Sept. 28, 2014

Sunday, September 28, 2014

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September 28, 2014 / 4 Tishri 5775 / Tzom Gedaliah


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IHH Mavi Marmara Activist Joins ISIS, Gets Killed
An IHH activist who was on the Mavi Marmara in May 2010 joined ISIS (Daash) in Syria and was killed over the weekend in an American airstrike.

Birzeit U. Kicks Out Haaretz Left-Winger Amira Hass for Being Jewish
Arabs once again prove that in the end, they cannot make peace with a Jew.
Israel-basher and Haaretz journalist Amira Hass was kicked out of a PA university conference for being a Jewish Israeli.

US Plays Down Oklahoma Beheading as Muslim Terror
The "odd" man who beheaded a woman prayed at a local anti-Israel mosque.
Alton Nolen introduces the ISIS custom of beheading to America.

Where in the World is Mohammed Zoabi?
After Israeli-Arab and Zionist Mohammed Zoabi expressed his support for Israel, he was forced to go into hiding for his safety...
Mohammad Zoabi, age 17 - 'A Proud Israeli Arab Muslim Zionist.'

A Tale of Two Speeches
There was a problem: A different speech, in part, was delivered on September 27
mahmoud abbas

Were Those "Boos" I Heard During U.S. Pres. Obama's U.N. Speech?‏
Obama's speech was the epitome of chutzpah and hypocrisy.
obama gunslinger

Port of Oakland Under Siege Again by BDS
The Port of Oakland is again under economic attack by BDS. But are Union leaders using BDS as contract negotiating fools?
ZIM ship near Oakland, CA port in August 2014.

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