[wanabidii] Press Releases: Canada Day

Tuesday, July 01, 2014

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06/30/2014 05:03 PM EDT

Canada Day

Press Statement
John Kerry
Secretary of State
Washington, DC
June 30, 2014

On behalf of President Obama and the people of the United States, I congratulate the Canadian people on the 147th anniversary of Confederation on July 1.

The United States and Canada share a long and productive history and a common democratic heritage. Americans are proud to share not just borders, but values with the great nation of Canada.

The United States and Canada have enjoyed another year of fruitful collaboration on democracy, trade, and deepening North American economic cooperation.

I was pleased to welcome Foreign Minister Baird to Washington in January for the North American Ministerial. We discussed how to build on the success of the North American Free Trade Agreement and strengthen the economic ties between the United States and Canada.

At the North American Leaders Summit in February, President Obama and Prime Minister Harper, along with Mexican President Peña Nieto, underscored our enduring commitment to a prosperous and secure continent.

As you gather with friends and family, the United States joins you in celebrating the birth of your nation. I wish you all a happy Canada Day.

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