[wanabidii] Ebrief on Training on Research Report Writing Skills

Wednesday, July 02, 2014







Training on Research Report Writing Skills













REPOA invites beginning and junior researchers from Tanzania to a training course on ‘Research Report Writing Skills’. The course provides practical guidance on improving the quality of research reports and creating journal articles with potential for publication.  


The course content includes:

·         Why writing is not about ‘getting it right the first time’.

  • How to structure your article or report more effectively.
  • How to structure your introduction to show the research in context.
  • How to focus a text so that readers will understand the message.
  • What must be done to a text before language editing.
  • How to use sources more professionally.

Applicants Requirements:

Selected applicants will be required to bring with them on the first day the following 3 things:

  • A draft research report or journal article on which you intend to work through the entire training week. This must be A WORK IN PROCESS, written by you. Have both a hard and a soft copy.
  • A journal article (in your field but not by you and published in an international journal) with a pleasing style (whether or not you agree with the argument being put forward is unimportant).
  • A second journal article (as before) with a difficult-to-read style (again, whether or not you agree with the argument it puts forward is irrelevant).
  • A laptop computer they can use all week.


Important: Participants who cannot show these 3 things on the morning of the first day will not be allowed to continue

Applicants should submit:

                     i.            A typed application letter

                   ii.            A completed information sheet (available at REPOA and on the REPOA website)

                  iii.            Detailed curriculum vitae

                 iv.            Photocopies of degree certificates

                   v.            A copy of applicant’s own original draft research report or journal article. Dissertations are not applicable.


The training course will be held in Dar es Salaam from 1st to 5th September, 2014. Accommodation for participants from outside Dar es Salaam will be provided and travel expenses will be covered. Further information can be obtained from our office or website.


The closing date for applications is Thursday 31st July, 2014.

Successful applicants will be notified by 15th August, 2014.


Women are highly encouraged to apply

Completed application package should be submitted as e-mail attachments to REPOA at repoa@repoa.or.tz

For further inquiries please contact Linda Madete through
linda@repoa.or.tz or contacts provided in the below address:


Join us on




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P.O. Box 33223, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania • 157 Mgombani Street, Regent Estate
Tel: +255 (0) (22) 2700083 / 0784 555 655 • Fax: 255 (0) (22) 2775738










































Hannah Mwandoloma

Communications Officer



REPOA, undertakes and facilitates research, conducts and coordinates training, and promotes dialogue and development of policy for pro-poor growth and poverty reduction.

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