[wanabidii] Press Releases: Readout of Secretary Kerry's Call With Egyptian Foreign Minister Fahmy

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

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04/22/2014 08:58 PM EDT

Readout of Secretary Kerry's Call With Egyptian Foreign Minister Fahmy

Press Statement
Jen Psaki
Department Spokesperson
Washington, DC
April 22, 2014

Today, Secretary Kerry spoke with Egyptian Foreign Minister Fahmy to inform him that he is certifying to Congress that Egypt is sustaining the strategic relationship with the United States – including by countering transnational threats such as terrorism and weapons proliferation – and that Egypt is upholding its obligations under the Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty. He reaffirmed that Egypt remains, as it has been for decades, an important strategic partner for the United States. The Secretary noted that he is not yet able to certify that Egypt is taking steps to support a democratic transition. He urged Egypt to follow through on its commitment to transition to democracy – including by conducting free, fair, and transparent elections, and easing restrictions on freedom of expression, assembly, and the media – as Egypt will be more secure and prosperous if it respects the universal rights of its citizens.

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