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REPOA’s New Publications | | | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Socio-Economic Factors Limiting Smallholder Groundnut Production in Tabora Region By Mangasini A. Katundu, Mwanahawa L. Mhina, Arbogast G. Mbeiyererwa and Neema P. Kumburu
Results indicate that hours spent farming, cultivated land size, the price of groundnut from the previous season, cost of seeds and pesticides significantly influence groundnut production in the area. The study also revealed gender disparity in land ownership. Few women owned land despite being major providers of labour. Based on the evidence, the study recommends that the government, among other policy responses, expand extension services to ensure that smallholder groundnut farmers have access to high-yielding groundnut seed varieties, agro-chemicals, improved farm inputs, storage and marketing facilities. To read a full report please visit our website or click here Structural Barriers, Constraints, and Urban Youth Employment The Case of Ilala Municipality, Dar-es-Salaam By Christopher S. Awinia
The study reveals that the lack of business premises was the main constraint that contributed to urban youth unemployment. It also finds a strong correlation between increased urban youth employment and the following occupational sub-categories: (a) unincorporated household enterprises, (b) service workers, and (c) elementary occupations, including self-employed (non-agricultural) workers without employees. These categories account for employment opportunities for young people in Dar-es-Salaam and other urban areas The study concludes that informal enterprises are a significant source of employment for a growing number of urban youth in Tanzania. The principal hindrance to taking advantage of this opportunity is the widespread lack of business premises. The business premises exist, but they are not accessible to the youth who need them. To read a full report please visit our website or click here To request for a hard copy kindly email REPOA’s Communications Officer To visit REPOA’s library catalogue click here REPOA Resource Centre is open and free to the Public from Monday to Friday, 1000 to 1300, and 1400 to 1700. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Hannah Mwandoloma
Communications Officer
REPOA, undertakes and facilitates research, conducts and coordinates training, and promotes dialogue and development of policy for pro-poor growth and poverty reduction.
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