[wanabidii] Collected Department Releases: FY 2014 Funding Opportunity Announcement for Proposals To Lead a Strategic Visioning Process Around Strengthening Global Prevention and Response to Gender-Based Violence in Humanitarian Emergencies

Tuesday, March 04, 2014

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03/04/2014 11:11 AM EST

FY 2014 Funding Opportunity Announcement for Proposals To Lead a Strategic Visioning Process Around Strengthening Global Prevention and Response to Gender-Based Violence in Humanitarian Emergencies

Funding Opportunity Announcement
Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration
February 28, 2014

Funding Opportunity Number: PRM-PRMOAPGL-14-002-049199

Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) number: 19.522 - Overseas Refugee Assistance Programs for Strategic Global Priorities

Announcement issuance date: Friday, February 28, 2014

Proposal submission deadline: Friday, March 21, 2014 at 12:00 p.m. noon EDT. Proposals submitted after this deadline will not be considered.

**ADVISORY: All applicants must submit proposals through the website Grants.gov. PRM strongly recommends submitting your proposal early to allow time to address any difficulties that may arise.**

If you are new to PRM funding, the Grants.gov registration process can be complicated. We urge you to refer to PRM’s General NGO Guidelines “New to PRM Funding” section for information and resources to help ensure that the application process runs smoothly. PRM also strongly encourages organizations that have received funding from PRM in the past to read this section as a refresher.

Proposed program start dates: Monday, April 7, 2014

Eligible Applicants: (1) Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with IRS, other than institutions of higher education; (2) Nonprofits without 501(c)(3) status with IRS, other than institutions of higher education; (3) Private institutions of higher education; and (4) Public and State controlled institutions of higher education. Organizations submitting proposals in response to this funding announcement must be current or past PRM partners who have received PRM funding at some point since 2004 and who are able to begin this project not later than April 7, 2014.

Duration of Activity: 12 to 24 months. Program plans from 12 to 24 months will be considered. Applicants may submit multi-year proposals with activities and budgets that do not exceed 24 months from the proposed start date. Actual awards will not exceed 12 months in duration and activities and budgets submitted in year one can be revised/updated each year. Continued funding after the initial 12- month award requires the submission of a noncompeting continuation application and will be contingent upon available funding, strong performance, and continuing need. In funding a project one year, PRM makes no representations that it will continue to fund the project in successive years and encourages applicants to seek a wide array of donors to ensure long-term funding possibilities. Please see Multi-Year Funding section below for additional information.

Current Funding Priorities for Gender Based Violence Prevention and Response:

PRM is seeking proposals for an institution or organization to lead a strategic visioning process around preventing and responding to gender based violence (GBV) in emergencies, consistent with the Call to Action on Protecting Women and Girls in Emergencies and the joint State-USAID initiative Safe from the Start.

Background on Safe from the Start and the Call to Action

Despite significant investment, leadership and progress on these issues over the last decade, there continue to be gaps in addressing gender-based violence in humanitarian emergencies, particularly at the onset of a crisis. Recognizing these challenges, the State Department’s Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration, together with USAID’s Bureau for Democracy, Conflict and Humanitarian Assistance (DCHA) began developing a framework for action in the spring of 2013 to analyze these challenges, identify solutions, and help mobilize the humanitarian community to take concrete action to address them. Safe from the Start will complement and reinforce the Obama administration’s gender and protection policies by dedicating new resources and providing leadership to better address the needs of women and girls affected by emergencies.

In 2013, the United Kingdom’s Department for International Development (DFID) launched the Call to Action on Protecting Girls and Women in Emergencies (“Call to Action”) to mobilize donors, UN agencies, NGOs, and other stakeholders on protecting women and girls in humanitarian emergencies, which culminated in a high-level pledging event on November 13, 2013. In January 2014, the United States assumed leadership of the Call to Action. U.S. resources and actions under Safe from the Start represent the U.S. government’s commitment to the Call to Action. The Call to Action is an important framework to coordinate efforts with other donors, affected countries, and non-governmental stakeholders to maximize impact and strengthen accountability.

Project Description

PRM is seeking proposals for a project to design and implement a strategic visioning process in close collaboration with the GBV Area of Responsibility (AoR) and other relevant humanitarian actors and stakeholders. The GBV AoR is the global level forum for coordinating prevention and response to GBV in humanitarian settings under the cluster system. The group brings together NGOs, UN agencies, academics, and others under the shared objectives of ensuring more predictable, accountable, and effective approaches to GBV prevention and response. The GBV AoR is co-led at the global level by UNFPA and UNICEF. Several streams of work relevant to this project are currently being led by the AoR, including the revision of the 2005 IASC Guidelines on GBV, Advocacy and Capacity Development Strategies, and other efforts underway by the different GBV AoR Task Teams (Capacity/Learning, Research, GBV Guidelines/Handbook, Knowledge Management and Advocacy).

This project will help to: (1) formulate a shared vision amongst a wide range of humanitarian actors for timely and effective prevention and response to gender-based violence in emergency settings; (2) analyze the current strengths, opportunities, obstacles, and challenges to realizing this vision, including ongoing/planned workstreams related to strengthening GBV prevention and response and current Call to Action commitments; (3) formulate a shared framework for action by GBVactors and other key humanitarian actors which includes short, medium, and long term priorities; and (4) develop a roadmap for the wider humanitarian community to move these priorities forward.

This process will review and build on the consultative process and technical meetings which led to the November 13th Call to Action High Level Event and the resulting commitments from donors, NGOs, and UN and other international organizations.

Expected outputs:

1. A brief inception report proposing methodology, work-plan, timeframe and milestones (including timing of interim updates for PRM and GBV AoR members) and deliverables.

2. A summary of the research/consultation process in the run up to a May 2014 GBV AoR retreat, including how it was conducted, who was consulted for input, and the initial findings.

3. Preparation for and facilitation of a technical workshop on the margins of the GBV AoR retreat in May which will allow AoR members and other members of the humanitarian community to harmonize various related commitments made through the Call to Action, other ongoing and planned workstreams, and discuss remaining gaps as well as challenges faced by different stakeholders in advancing this agenda within their institutions.

a. The applicant-hosted workshop will include facilitated dialogue aimed at formulating a strategic vision for effective and timely prevention of and response to GBV in humanitarian emergencies, based on the inputs of GBV practitioners and other key stakeholders, and building on key documents such as the Call to Action Communique, GBV AoR Workplan, the Brussels Declaration, etc.

b. This workshop will include an analysis of facilitating factors and obstacles in preventing and responding to GBV, as well as initial recommendations for benchmarks and indicators for a short, medium, and longer term framework for action for the GBV sector, including the GBV AoR and the wider humanitarian community. This would be assessed against the current commitments made through the Call to Action to identify gaps and opportunities for more strategic collaboration and coordination among actors.

c. This process should be informed by analysis of ongoing emergencies in order to develop practical field-based solutions.

d. These recommendations should, in turn, inform the AoR's strategic workplan and next steps in the AoR's collective leadership of the Call to Action.

e. Proposed budgets must provide a detailed breakdown of the anticipated cost of hosting the workshop, including logistics, audio-visual, etc. Cost-sharing by the applicant organization is strongly encouraged.

4. An additional expected output of this project will be a road map for moving the wider humanitarian community forward, including establishing clear milestones and indicators in order to promote accountability and measure progress, including efforts of participating organizations to follow through on existing and future Call to Action commitments. The road map will outline the engagement and buy-in required from a range of stakeholders across sectors, including civil society from the global south and national and local governments in affected countries.

5. Organization of two to three field missions to groundtruth the vision and findings of the consultative workshop with practioners in key emergency contexts and further refine the vision, analysis of the state of practice, framework for action, and roadmap for progress, to be coordinated with other relevant fieldwork led by the GBV AoR and/or its members. The applicant organization is expected to coordinate the field missions and include the cost of travel for their own personnel in their proposed budget.

6. The report and road map will be released in advance of a planned Call to Action high-level event in September during the UN General Assembly (UNGA). At the UNGA Call to Action event, the AoR and other actors would endorse the outcomes/findings of the technical meeting and the solutions-focused roadmap for the sector.

Proposals must include the CVs of the personnel selected to carry out the project, and the organization and selected personnel must demonstrate:

  • Successful past implementation of projects related to global strategy development and complex multi-stakeholder technical workshops on gender and GBV in humanitarian emergencies;
  • Strong technical expertise in GBV in humanitarian emergencies including direct field experience with program design and management;
  • Deep familiarity with the humanitarian system and mechanisms for coordination at global and national levels, as well as with humanitarian reform processes;
  • A close and collaborative working relationship with the GBV AoR and co-leads UNICEF and UNFPA, as well as close relationships with UNHCR and other protection actors across the humanitarian system, including NGOs;
  • Demonstrated capacity as a highly-skilled facilitator;
  • Willingness and ability to travel to high-risk security environments for field evaluations;
  • Expertise in monitoring and evaluation and analytical research; and,
  • A proven network and relationships with a wide range of stakeholders from governments, international organizations, and non-governmental organizations, including across the global south.

Applicants may be eligible for funding for a second year depending on their performance in Year 1, to further validate the findings and generate additional consensus and buy-in and/or follow through on specific action items that resulted from Year 1 outcomes.

Funding Limits: Project proposals must not be more than $400,000 per year or they will be disqualified. As stated in PRM’s General NGO Guidelines, PRM looks favorably on cost-sharing efforts and seeks to support projects with a diverse donor base and/or resources from the submitting organization.

Proposal Submission Requirements: Proposals must be submitted via Grants.gov. If you are new to PRM funding, the Grants.gov registration process can be complicated. We urge you to refer to PRM’s General NGO Guidelines “New to PRM Funding” section for information and resources to help ensure that the application process runs smoothly. PRM also strongly encourages organizations that have received funding from PRM in the past to read this section as a refresher. Applicants may also refer to the “Applicant Resources” page on Grants.gov for complete details on requirements (http://test.grants.gov/web/grants/applicants/applicant-resources.html).

Please note the following highlights:

  • Do not wait until the last minute to submit your application on Grants.gov. Organizations not registered with Grants.gov should register well in advance of the deadline as it can take up to two weeks to finalize registration (sometimes longer for non-U.S. based NGOs to get the required registration numbers). To register with Grants.gov, organizations must first receive a DUNS number and register with the System for Award Management (SAM) at www.sam.gov which can take weeks and sometimes months. We recommend that organizations, particularly first-time applicants, submit applications via Grants.gov no later than one week before the deadline to avoid last-minute technical difficulties that could result in an application not being considered. PRM partners must maintain an active SAM registration with current information at all times during which they have an active federal award or an application under consideration by PRM or any federal agency.
  • Applications must be submitted under the authority of the Authorized Organization Representative (AOR) at the applicant organization. Having proposals submitted by agency headquarters helps to avoid possible technical problems.
  • If you encounter technical difficulties with Grants.gov please contact the Grants.gov Help Desk at support@grants.gov or by calling 1-800-518-4726. Applicants who are unable to submit applications via Grants.gov due to Grants.gov technical difficulties and who have reported the problem to the Grants.gov help desk, received a case number, and had a service request opened to research the problem, should contact the relevant PRM Program Officer to determine whether an alternative method of submission is appropriate.
  • Pursuant to U.S. Code, Title 218, Section 1001, stated on OMB Standard Form 424 (SF-424), the Department of State is authorized to consolidate the certifications and assurances required by Federal law or regulations for its federal assistance programs. The list of certifications and assurances can be found at: http://fa.statebuy.state.gov/content.asp?content_id=161&menu_id=68 )

Proposal Content, Formatting and Template: This announcement is designed to accompany PRM’s General NGO Guidelines, which contain additional administrative information on proposal content and formatting, and explain in detail PRM’s NGO funding strategy and priorities. Please use both the General NGO Guidelines and this announcement to ensure that your proposal submission is in full compliance with PRM requirements and that the proposed activities are in line with PRM’s priorities. Proposal submissions that do not meet all of the requirements outlined in these guidelines will not be considered.

PRM strongly recommends using the proposal and budget templates that are available upon email request from PRM's NGO Coordinator. Please send an email, with the phrase “PRM NGO Templates” in the subject line, to PRM's NGO Coordinator. Single-year proposals using PRM’s templates must be no more than 20 pages in length (Times New Roman 12 point font, one inch margins on all sides). If the applicant does not use PRM’s recommended templates, proposals must not exceed 15 pages in length. Organizations may choose to attach work plans, activity calendars, and/or logical frameworks as addendums/appendices to the proposal. These attachments do not count toward the page limit total however annexes cannot be relied upon as a key source of program information. The proposal narrative must be able to stand on its own in the application process.

To be considered for PRM funding, organizations must submit a complete application package including:

  • Proposal reflecting objectives and indicators for each year of the program period.
  • Budget and budget narrative for each year of the program period.
  • Signed completed SF-424.

In addition, proposal submissions to PRM should include the following information:

  • CVs for personnel responsible for implementing the project.
  • Letter of support from the GBV AoR Strategic Advisory Group for the proposed project.
  • Workplan including timeline and description of which individuals are responsible for particular actions.
  • Focus on outcome or impact indicators as much as possible. At a minimum, each objective should have one outcome or impact indicator. Wherever possible, baselines should be established before the start of the project.
  • Copy of the organization’s Code of Conduct (required before an award can be made).
  • Copy of the organization’s Security Plan (required before an award can be made).
  • Proposals and budgets should include details of any sub-agreements associated with the program.
  • Most recent Negotiated Indirect Cost Rate Agreement (NICRA), if applicable.

Multi-Year Funding: Applicants proposing multi-year programs should adhere to the following guidance:

Applicants may submit proposals that include multi-year strategies presented in 12-month cycles for a period not to exceed 24 months from the proposed start date. Fully developed programs with detailed budgets, objectives and indicators are required for each year of activities. These can be updated yearly upon submission of continuation applications. Applicants should note that they may use PRM’s recommended multi-year proposal template for this application, which is different from the single year template. Multi-year funding applicants may also use PRM’s standard budget template and should submit a separate budget sheet for each project year. Multi-year proposals using PRM’s templates must be no more than 30 pages in length (Times New Roman 12 point font, one inch margins on all sides). If the applicant does not use PRM’s recommended templates, proposals must not exceed 25 pages in length. Organizations may choose to attach work plans, activity calendars, and/or logical frameworks as addendums/appendices to the proposal. These attachments do not count toward the page limit total.

Multi-year applications selected for funding by PRM will be funded in 12- month increments based on the proposal submitted in the initial application as approved by PRM. Continued funding after the initial 12- month award requires the submission of a noncompeting continuation application and will be contingent upon available funding, strong performance, and continuing need. Continuation applications must be submitted by the organization no later than 90 days before the proposed start date of the new award (e.g., if the next project period is to begin on September 1, submit your application by June 1). Continuation applications are submitted in lieu of responding to PRM’s published call for proposals for those activities. Late continuation applications will jeopardize continued funding.

Organizations can request multi-year funding and continuation application templates by emailing PRM's NGO Coordinator with the phrase “PRM NGO Templates” in the subject line.

Reports and Reporting Requirements:

Program reporting: PRM requires quarterly and final program reports describing and analyzing the results of activities undertaken during the validity period of the agreement. It is highly suggested that NGOs receiving PRM funding use the PRM recommended program report template. To request this template, send an email with the phrase “PRM NGO Templates” in the subject line to PRM's NGO Coordinator.

Financial Reports: Financial reports are required within thirty (30) days following the end of each calendar year quarter during the validity period of the agreement; a final financial report covering the entire period of the agreement is required within ninety (90) days after the expiration date of the agreement.

For more details regarding reporting requirements please see PRM’s General NGO Guidelines.

Proposal Review Process: PRM will conduct a formal competitive review of all proposals submitted in response to this funding announcement. A review panel will evaluate submissions based on the above-referenced proposal evaluation criteria and PRM priorities in the context of available funding.

PRM may request revised proposals and/or budgets based on feedback from the panel. PRM will provide formal notifications to NGOs of final decisions taken by Bureau management.

Branding and Marking Strategy: Unless exceptions have been approved by the designated bureau Authorizing Official as described in the proposal templates that are available upon email request from PRM's NGO Coordinator, at a minimum, the following provision will be included whenever assistance is awarded:

  • As a condition of receipt of this assistance award, all materials produced pursuant to the award, including training materials, materials for recipients or materials to communicate or promote with foreign audiences a program, event, project, or some other activity under this agreement, including but not limited to invitations to events, press materials, event backdrops, podium signs, etc. must be marked appropriately with the standard U.S. flag in a size and prominence equal to (or greater than) any other logo or identity. Subrecipients and subsequent tier sub-award agreements are subject to the marking requirements and the recipient shall include a provision in the subrecipient agreement indicating that the standard, rectangular U.S. flag is a requirement. In the event the recipient does not comply with the marking requirements as established in the approved assistance agreement, the Grants Officer Representative and the Grants Officer must initiate corrective action.

PRM Points of Contact: Should NGOs have technical questions related to this announcement, they should contact the PRM staff listed below prior to proposal submission. Please note that responses to technical questions from PRM do not indicate a commitment to fund the program discussed.

PRM Program Officer: Liz Drew, Drewei@state.gov, 202-453-9359, Washington, D.C.

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