[wanabidii] My Mom slept with my Fiance

Friday, November 08, 2013

Salaaaaaaaaale !!!!!!   Mtume !!!!!

Thuol odonjo i koo (Luo for   -   A snake is inside the milk gourd).

Gweno opielo i tonge (Luo for  -  A hen has defecated on its eggs).

In other words, a very difficult problem to solve.

Your mom sleeps with your boyfriend just before your wedding; do you go ahead and marry that boyfriend or is this a sign of things to come? That is the question.
Personally if I`m the girl, the wedding is off and the relationship is dead.


"My mother SLEEPS with MY FIANCÉ 1 month to my wedding"… LADY CONFESSES

The Kenyan DAILY POST , 16:11

I am 25 years of age and still live with my parents in Nairobi's Karen area but we hail from Kitui. I won't describe my parents' marriage as ideal because my father is forever accusing my mother of having extra marital affairs.

Sincerely, he isn't off the target as my mother specialises in dating younger men.

Severally my father has had to send some young men away from our premises, who come asking to be employed as drivers. Since I spent the better part of my life away from home: entered into boarding school from class 5, beyond what I experience during the holidays and the complaints of my younger ones, I can't say categorically that I know my mother very well.

All I know is that she is very fashionable and beautiful as well as a socialite. Unlike my father who is more into his children and home, my mother doesn't care much about us.

We have all come to accept her for who she is and the times I am at home or when my father comes to visit me in school, I always tell him not to bother too much about my mother. I often tell him that after 26 years as a couple he should be used to her ways by now.

It is an open secret that my father is the one keeping the marriage; my mother doesn't care one bit about it. As a child, can't recall when she went to the kitchen to cook, I don't even know what the taste of her food is like. She is that bad.

Although I have always known my mother's weakness for young virile men, not once did it occur to me that my mother is capable of sleeping with my own boyfriend.

About three months ago, I brought my fiancé home to meet my parents. He finished before me and travelled to England to further his studies. He came back about four months ago to ask for my hand in marriage. Since his parents were familiar with me, I brought him home to inform my parents of our intentions to spend the rest of our lives together. My father has also met him while he was still in school.

My mother was at home on the day he came. We all agreed on the day his parents would come to meet mine. Three weeks after, they came for formal introduction and to agree on a date for the introduction and wedding.

It was during the period of our wedding planning that I ran into my mother and fiancé coming out of a hotel close to the house of the caterer I contracted for the wedding.

While I was still trying to fathom what both of them could be doing in that place, my mother oblivious of who might be looking gave him a quick peck on his lips before zooming off in her car.

I didn't need to be told what they had gone to do in the hotel. My boyfriend didn't know what to say when I called out his name. Right there and then, he confessed and started begging for my forgiveness. He claimed not to know how it all happened; that all he remembers is my mother inviting him over for discussions concerning the wedding plans.

I am pained and so confused. Our wedding is on December 18. I want to end it all. There is no way I can go ahead with a wedding to the man who has slept with my mother. The worst thing is my mother's attitude. Even when I confronted her with what she had done, her attitude was 'so what!'

My boyfriend and his best man have been pleading with me. My chief bridesmaid who has been my friend since our childhood is of the opinion that my mother must have charmed (kamote) my boyfriend and that the best way to deal with her is to forgive my boyfriend and go ahead with the marriage.

I am so confused. I haven't told my father anything since I don't want to hurt him more than she has hurt him all these years. Please tell me what to do. He is the only man I have ever fallen in love with in all my life. We have been together for five years and not once has he cheated on me. Even when he was away, he kept calling me religiously everyday for the 18 months he was abroad. Once he sent money down for me to visit him. He has been that dedicated to me. He is still insisting he doesn't know how he ended up in the hotel with my mother.


35 comments for "My mother SLEEPS with MY FIANCÉ 1 month to my wedding"… LADY CONFESSES

  1. no comment

  2. Cmon, gimme ur mother's phone no....

  3. its is written a man shall sleep with both the daughter and the mother your marriage is doomed wake away and forget him go far away and start afresh and comeback home only after your mother is dead

  4. been with u 5 years, and it only took ur mother and he cheated.Ur mother will be in ur lives for as long as she lives and u will never ever forget.U will live an inquisitive life always asking what was that look?why did they hug?....u dont need that....

  5. do justice for yourself, even if he loved you, he messed everything up. leave him God will help you find a good man, i believe he is not meant for you. wedding is not better than your dignity i think can survive this tragedy let him not use juju as an excuse, he will continue hurting you when you are married.

  6. pray hard and think wisely coz this might happen again. pole sana

  7. leave as first as possible it will happen again and again

  8. madam i advise you to come up to your senses. i suggest you get saved to save your family. your mother is demon possessed and need someone to stand in the gap. call Jesus ans He will answer.

  9. pliz keep off

  10. You would be very foolish and stupid to marry this man. I wish he had slept with your friend. After your marriage he will sleep with his own daughter if you will ever have one. He is demon possessed. Pray to God to give you a God fearing husband. Not a whore of a man like this one.

  11. 1. You can forgive if you have a forgiving heart on such serious matters
    2. Expect the relationship of your friend and mother to rekindle some day in future - so if you are prepared for that go on and wed.
    3. Your mom is in bondage - pray for her if you are christian
    4. etc


  13. this is sad..pray for Gods grace and wisdom

  14. this is sad..pray for Gods grace and wisdom

  15. Kamuti" U may never get someone to luv u the way he does.Forgive him.
    2.Tel ur Dad and its tyme he deals with it .I think ur mum shld jz leave en do wat she want.
    3.Excommunicate her from ur life.Cz it wil simply happen again



  18. Signs of more worse things to come. U don't know this guy well as u claim.

  19. The boy is honest, just give him a chance. The only naked truth is that your mum already knows the size of rungu that will be thumping your hole. If u can live with that, go ahead.

  20. Choices have consequences hahahahah! there are a million good men out there.

  21. Run gal. Run for the hills!! If he can sleep with her now, what will happen when you are married. What guarantee is there that it will stop. What about the other women he interacts with? If he ain't principled enough to say No! then he ain't good for you. Take a walk. It may be painful now, but you will be glad you did.

  22. move on dear its better 2 break an engagement than 2 break marriage.. leave him n God wil bless u wiyh another 1.

  23. send ur mothers num, we will screw her till stops that malaya habit.

  24. woman!!! thats not a man to marry. Think very carefully.

  25. That man and your shameless mum will continue breaking your heart....forget about that wedding!

  26. what you waiting with the tears gal, wipe them off and screw his dad real tight... and make sure he gets a video of the same. then you can proceed with the wedding on an even ground...... I grimace to think of ma dick in my wrinkly mother inlaws booty. but if shez hot..welll...Dang!

  27. leave him!!

  28. Once your cross from being a lover to a wife your man will keep your mother as is mistress.Then you and your father will go to an early grave because of stress leaving your man and your mother free to roam the world.So if you love your father and yourself take off and forget the wedding.

  29. To be truthful and helpful with you,jst leave that man to avoid heartaches n traumas,coz trust me if u marry this guy,remember yr mum is still yr mum,u can NEVER change that,so the memories will still be there,and a repeat of that is likely to be high,since u wil hav forgiven her and yr husband,but for them to repeat it,it wont be hard,coz they done it before,thats the bitter reality,tek it or leave,but it is up to u to decyd..i kan tel you to tek yr tym and get over all that drama,forgive yr mum n leav ths guy,pray for God's intervention becoz tz not easy and with tym u will b loosed over all this,look for someone trustful that can help you overcome all this,and with no tym u will be a winner within yrslf after overcoming that,,pray for yr mum,soften yr heart and thngs will be easy since wat yr mum gave u in ths life is so special that u kant compare to anyone else,bt life,so thank God for that,be positive n tel God to give u grace to be at peace,,This test is yr STORM,but it won't be long,so HOLD ON..And you will be Happy again,things HAPPEN for a reason,help yr mum,and i thnk it happend that way for u to see that u should not give up on yr mum,help her,thats yr work,and trust me u will be blessed,since shes yr mum,u will live longer

  30. Cmmon can u imagine that ...entered your mother then you?He dasnt dserve you gal at all!!!!!!

  31. Baba yako ni kama tu uncle yangu flani...wanaume wamekaliwa na mawife.....angemdivorce 100 years ago ama amepige kila siku mpaka ajidivorce mwenyewe.....yaani akiskia baba mzee anakuja anaenda kulala......watu bure kabisa

  32. Is your mother possessed? Wish i cld see her photo anyway why wld u gt married to a man who's screwed your mom? YUCK

  33. Run girl while you still can. If get entangled with him . Be ready to cry for the rest of your life. He was not meant for you. God will bring the one meant for you.

  34. My dea, I pray for you. You have an animal for your mother and a dog for your fiancee.Would wish to live with any? Keep off all of them, go to US of any oversees and get married there and never come back. Na mamako kama ako na ukimwi? Unajuaje hiyo mbwa ya mwanaume kama haitaendelea kulala na mamako when you are not around. CLEAR SIGNS ARE ON THE WALL.CAN HE ALLOW YOU TO SLEEP WITH HIS FATHER?

  35. Its God who made U to discover the affair btwn ua mum and ua man so what are waiting for? Rem marriage is a sacred thing and ua mum has tainted it, know its painful but its better now that to leave in such a marriage the rest of ua life.


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