[wanabidii] It Is Time to Call Spade a Spade and Engage Real Reform Change without which Things will keep Getting Worse in Kenya

Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Good People,

If the court is biased, remember, people have a right to go to the streets to demand for justice peacefully. Like Cairo's Tahrir Square demonstrations, millions of people protested to demand for their rights in a summarily and immediate change for constitutional justice. This made it possible for them to remove their leaders who are wolves in sheep's clothes.

Most importantly, people must demand for president's resignation who is the reason for non-compliance from weak and irresponsible leadership that failed the test to protect and intervene to save a situation where public servants are ambushed and terrorized. This failed order for Constitutional policy mandate of Responsibility with Integrity allowing disorderly to spill-over to the Judiciary without instilling observance of discipline.

It is clear that the President looked the other way to allow public office invasion and attack that spur corruption with impunity. This behavior keep digging deeper with extra-judicial careless killings and as well, policy makers conducting themselves in thuggish manner, and are floating irresponsibly without honor or dignity.

No President in his right mind worth his salt, would say nothing in a situation where, one leader invades another and keeps quite. As a matter of concern, where the likes of Shebesh go about terrorizing and intimidating government officer, invading and attacking private privacy, making a hue with thugs covered throughout with media camera, and releasing a caption of areas……….simply capturing specific parts of their interests, to find faults on the victim; unless the likes of Shebesh, the aggressor, was commissioned green lights in the knowledge and understanding of the President. This is the works of the President with his network who see Kidero as a threat.

Although while I am not saying Kidero is an Angel, we have lost so many good people in the likes of Tom Mboyas' and the Ouko Segas in the past in the conspiracies such as these during Jomo Kenyatta and Moi era, and we are not ready to loose many more of our people in selfish conspiracies that are of selfish and greedy interest of free loaders of public wealth and resources.

The Constitution demands show-cases for responsibility, integrity, accountability and transparency and these are still far fetched. There are continued cover-ups of wrong doings in the "Scratch my Back I Scratch your Back" between Jubilee and Cord and there are still signs of non-compliance looming in every quarter of the Government institution with public representatives. The rot of Corruption and imputing is sticking in every corner of the Nation.

Kenya must be saved once and for all from thievers who time and again have conspired to steal from the people mercilessly to satisfy their self greed and share the loot but care for nothing else, not even honor, respect or value peoples interest……..should we sit and watch peoples' lives wasted, going down in drain……without complete overhaul and revolution for real change to take effect. Kenya will not see justice any time soon in this kind of leadership…….and peoples' lives are at stake; when opportunity such as these must not be overlooked. This is the time to speak loudest……….and stop these conspiracies that are finishing our people.

There are no other times that people can form a wall of unity to protect peoples interests and safeguard livelihood and survival from perishing.........

People, dont forget that Kenya must redeem itself, and it is the people of Kenya who must unite to redeem themselves from Land Grabbers, from economic theft, from corruption and impunity, from terrorism, from militia-groups, from Pirating, from drug trafficking, from foreign money laundering, from joblessness, from poverty and from being used as guinea pigs against your wishes. The Clinix saga of public theft and the rot in the NHIF that has not seen the inside of Judiciary is worrying and wanting why it is taking long for justice to catch up with public theft, Goldenburg and Anglo Leasing should be over by now all these are covering for serious crimes and theft of public taxpayers......... the Kenyas Jomo Kenyatta International Airport, no one has been taken to jail with all that evidense caught on camera. Somali Pirates caught and given a slap on the palm with lesser charges and released and the Al-Shabaab with other Militia groups are infused in the Kenya Police and are holed up inside Kenya, why shouldnt Kenyans have reason to get worried about their securities now and in the future. Every serious criminals are free in Kenya including Chinedu who was shipped out of Kenya and is now back confortably in Kenya and theft gaining momentum when poverty is hiking, where shall Good people of Kenya go? 60 Kenyan MPs and Senators going to Hague that too is taxpayer money..........these are consequences that must be shed-off Kenyan peoples shoulders to have sanity in Government functionability to serve public interest in a fair manner. Otherwise, thugs with insecurity shall remain the order of the day in Kenya.

The Government is the people, and people must unite to put pressure on those who are destroying them. People must demand to be treated in fairness with dignity and respect. But this cannot happen from hard-cores who believe in themselves with their own people 100%, and who everybody else have no rights; this is wrong.

Good People, time is now, do not allow a few people to destroy your lives and make you slaves or easy prey for slaughter house like they are finishing Congo people, yet Congo people have done nothing wrong.......dont allow yourselves to be fooled with candies and sweets, when in actual sense, the current crops of leaders have not reformed their minds away from corruption and impunity........this is their lifestyle and they will do anything in their power to scatter and finish the people of Kenya. Shebesh is one example of a bad seed sowed to scatter Kenyans and put them in disarray when thievers continue stealing taxpayer, public wealth and resources.

Change is now good people.........you dont want your money to disappear in thin air, paid to ghost people who don't exist, and if Kidero investigate or want to clean up a mysterious conspiracies are cooked against him........this must be condemned and is thoroughly unacceptable.......

Wake up people, the number of the corrupt is only 1%, don't let 1% to steal and rob off your livelihood and survival. It shall be paying a costly price, It will extremely be very expensive to redeem what is already lost.........Time to recover is now and not tomorrow.........

Unity is power..…Unite today and save a situation....It is worth it and you shall not go wrong…….

Judy Miriga
Diaspora Spokesperson
Executive Director
Confederation Council Foundation for Africa Inc.,
From: Joseph Lister Nyaringo <diplomat1499@yahoo.com>
Sent: Saturday, 7 September 2013, 3:17
Subject: [uchunguzionline] POLITICS BEHIND KIDERO WOES

We can't rule out a political scheme to bring down Governor Kidero by his opponents.
A section of politicians from the ruling coalition are not happy with Kidero, being Governor of the richest County, with the highest revenue allocation in the nation.

While the Governor made the worst mistake any leader would to a woman more so in public, Kenyans also expected Shebesh, as a legislator of Nairobi, to have initiated some dialogue rather than storming the governor's office with demonstrators.

Can it be true Governor Kidero may have been brought closer to the powers to learn his weaknesses and sent the roaring lioness to bring him down?

The trip to Beijing and some positive overtures we have seen before, may have been a set up which has now served Kidero's political opponents well. They are salivating for the coveted Nairobi City Seat.

Sent from my iPad
ena26 July 2013 11:16 AM
The problem: Kenya is trying to deal with symptoms not the root cause of the problems. The main cause is Kenya itself, the leaders, the citizens, and until they all change their practices, culture, and until they honestly sit down to focus on the main problem facing everybody, from past, present, and future leadership, it is just a mere dream.

Naiorbi Governor Evans Kidero denies slapping Women Rep Rachael Shebesh

Updated Friday, September 6th 2013 at 18:08 GMT +3
Nairobi Governor Dr Evans Kidero has denied slapping Nairobi Women Represenative Rachael Shebesh after an altercation in his office.
It is alleged that Shebesh was among council workers who stormed Kidero's office on Friday afternoon demonstrating over pay rise demand when the incident happened.
However, addressing a press conference outside City Hall, Kidero denied slapping anyone.
"I was in my office but I don't remember or have any recollection of slapping anyone. All i know is that a group of people about 30-40 tried to force themselves into my office led by a Honourable Member of Parliament", said Kidero.
He later proceeded to Central Police Station to record a statement.


Kidero's PR team is complaining that the Daily Nation is putting only a snippet of the video that captures the slap, not the full video showing: the attempt to block Shebesh and team from barging forcefully into the Governor's office; the forceful entry into the Governor's office doorway by unruly and menacing men accompanying Shebesh; the angry threats of immediate harm to the Governor constituting assault; a low kick well aimed at the Governor's genitalia; and the spit that Shebesh unleashed on Kidero's lip.


In all jurisdictions whether in Kenya or in America, Rachel Shebesh committed a misdemeanor crime called "assault by contact". Irrespective of gender (I see Cecily Mbarire trying to make this a gender crime), in the U.S., if you forcibly confront someone in their house or office, invading their personal space within inches of their face, and inadvertently spit on their face as you shout epithets, then they respond by slapping you – you have no case, period! It is called the doctrine of self defense, in all reasonable sense.

Even without Rachel's spit on Kidero's face which may not be clearly visible on video, Shebesh still committed assault. It is the spit that makes it assault by contact (or "battery" in some jurisdictions). Even without the spit, Shebesh committed a misdemeanor crime.

Common assault is punishable under Kenya's Penal laws (Cap. 63, XXIV, 250; with other assaults at Cap. 63, XXIV, 253).

Initial aggressor

In many violent confrontations, people often forget to look at all elements and examine one of the most important questions of who the initial aggressor was. In many instances, once the initial aggressor is found to have committed a crime, legal culpability (of perceived victim) often ends at that point if what followed was a reasonable response.

What is assault?

Assault does not mean throwing a punch or anything like that. It simply means doing the following related things:

1) Merely confronting someone in their personal space and trying to physically strike – even without touching.

2) Acting in a threatening manner that puts the other in fear of harm.

Here is what Rachel Shebesh did:

  1. Shebesh physically confronted Governor Kidero in the latter's office (intent of aggressor proved; victim is in their lawful space).
  2. She aggressively pursued Kidero not acting alone, but accompanied by an army of menacing men (who the aggressor(s) was/were, is confirmed).
  3. Despite being denied entry, Shebesh and her accomplices forced their way through Kidero's office door and violently acted in a threatening manner that put Kidero in fear of immediate harm (putting intended victim in fear of harm is confirmed). This fear may have induced temporary post-traumatic amnesia in Kidero who claims his memory of the event was temporarily clouded following the adrenaline-filled experience of fear of imminent harm by the menacing and angry-Mungiki-looking army.
  4. Shebesh and her army, visibly shouting threats, pointing fingers, and angrily charging, actually came within inches of the Governor's face, with the former unleashing a spit on the latter's face [try your luck seeing the spit on video] (actual physical contact was initiated from the aggressor, whether inadvertently or not).

All the elements above constitute the legal definition of assault by contact (aka physical battery).

The events above place Rachel Shebesh as the aggressor who initiates this confrontation.

Any assaulted victim is entitled to defend themselves (a very basic concept of self defense).

In defending themselves, the victim must limit their actions to use of reasonable force.

Slapping an angry aggressor who forces their way into your office accompanied by 50 menacing Mungiki-look-alikes, coming within inches of your face (invading your personal space), and in the process unleashing a provocative spit – is within the reasonable realm of self defense.

Kidero did not punch Shebesh unconscious or fire a bullet through the obvious aggressor. That would have been excessive and unreasonable use of force. But slapping Shebesh is a very reasonable response to the situation described above. This is not a difficult legal case to resolve.

Ilei iwe funzo to aggressors who commit assault on a daily basis with gross impunity – Rachel Shebesh needs to be found guilty of assault. The governor needs to be found to have acted in self defense, end of story.

The lesson here is that you may never predict the physical or legal outcome of any violent confrontation. Violence should never be anyone's purported trademark towards problem solving. Therefore Shebesh should think twice before confronting people hovyo hovyo! You may lose both in the physical exchange, and in court!

REAVEALED: The businessmen who accompanied President UHURU KENYATTA to China and Russia

The Kenyan DAILY POST 06:26

Wednesday August 21, 2013 - The Kenyan DAILY POST can now reveal the list of sixty businessmen who accompanied President Uhuru Kenyatta on his one week trip to Russia and China.

The sixty men are Kirinyaga County businessmen who are among delegates who have accompanied the Head of State to China and Russia where he has signed trade deals worth Sh 500 billion.

Kenya Chamber of Commerce Kirinyaga Chairman, Job Muriuki, confirmed this on Monday saying the Businessmen are looking for markets for their agricultural produce.

Kariuki said they have gone to look for machinery for two factories that will be built in the County.

"The delegates went to see to whether they can source for machinery at a cheaper price," he said.

The chairman said a Sh 200 million food processing factory is being constructed in Kagio town and it is expected to boost the production of tomatoes in the region as well as create employment.

According to the Ministry of Agriculture, farmers in Kirinyaga earned Sh 13 billion from horticulture produce between 2009 and 2011.



CORD now Plots to Kick Kidero from the Nairobi Governorship for supporting Uhuru..Kethi Kilonzo to replace him..

Wednesday, 31 July 2013

ODM secretary general Anyang Nyong'o has hinted plans by CORD coalition to sponsor Kethi Kilonzo to wrestle the Nairobi gubernatorial post currently held by Dr. Evans Kidero.

Dr. Kidero has been the subject of a series of high level meetings convened by the coalition luminaries after it emerged that he was warming up for President Kenyatta's Jubilee coalition.

Kidero has been under scathing attacks in the social media with the revelations that he has fallen out with the Cord leadership.

''Kethi is in politics to stay and she's going for something much bigger than Makueni County,'' said Nyong'o

Nyong'o has however denied claims that Kidero has defected to Jubilee saying the Nairobi
governor was a life member of ODM and has not indicated he had quit the party.

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