Thursday, September 19, 2013

Lenkala J. SçhoolBoy
Lenkala J. SçhoolBoy 4:06pm Sep 18
I get it mr. chair....in every encounter, justice must prevail.
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James Erastus

Caleb Seda5:10pm Sep 17

There are those two days during post election violence (PEV) in 2008 when with my own eyes I saw Uhuru Kenyatta, the then simply a lead campaigner of the then President Kibaki captured on TV news bulletin having visited Naivasha and different centers along Nairobi – Naivasha road. I do remember that Mr Uhuru, in his address to various groups was talking about the need for people in those areas to 'live in peace and maintain peace'. On one of those days, he visited Kikuyu town, the town in which I used to live.

During that time, the mood in the area was so tense that I personally feared to walk around in case the non-Kikuyu physical features in me were noticed and landed me into trouble. The environment was so tense that any slight agitation would spark off violence. That is the time that the current His Excellency the President found it wise to go around and 'appeal' to people in places where violence had not erupted to maintain peace. His actions must have been advised by Solomonic wisdom in the great leader that he started to become, which eventually lead him to be appointed defacto Gikuyu's great Goliath.

What defeats common understanding is that in Uhuru's Solomonic wisdom, violence soon erupted everywhere he stopped to preach his 'peace'? Was it wisdom gone sour in the taste of his section of audience?

I had said that I was a residence of Kikuyu town at the time Mr Uhuru preached his 'peace' message in Kikuyu. I saw him on the TV news bulletin and that day a Kikuyu pastor friend called me to inform me that I needed to look for somewhere safe to seek shelter. He told me that the matter of cleaning was a big undertaking by order of state house. Of course at that time, we had witnessed eruption of violence against members of a tribe 'madoadoa' in every other place Mr Goliath had been to addressing the matter of 'peace' and 'co-existence'.

People who are irrationally in support of a brother because as the saying goes "blood is thicker than water" would say that Mr Uhuru was not the comptroller or occupant of state house as he is today and therefore alluding that he took over and executed powers of state house is unacceptable. Certainly, such people would need to be understood because their nature dictates that they be like 'brood of vipers" in the language of Jesus Christ, the Lord of our salvation.
As if the revelation of machination behind operation remove 'madoadoa' and the 'failure' of Solomonic wisdom to execute the wishes of Goliath were not enough, another friend of mine from Kikuyu tribe openly confided in me and openly said that Mr Uhuru had become their Goliath due to his mobilization of retaliatory action to save the Kikuyu community.

The facts of activities of Goliath behind the PEV events in the areas from Naivasha towards Nairobi are so glaring that one needs to fight very hard to succeed in denying the evil behind them. If everybody else, including the judges at The Hague are not able to see the truthfulness of fallacy of innocence, at least God does.

For a moment, let us allow the above allegations to pass and consider the vigour with which Mr Uhuru Kenyatta, the Kenya government and the tribesmen of Mr. Uhuru got involved in mounting campaigns against him being taken to defend himself at The Hague. That campaign, including the infamous former VP's 'shuttle diplomacy', the Kibaki government's initiative challenging ICC's mandate to take over the Kenya cases, Uhuruto's campaign and ascending to power, the Jubilee government's whipping of support from Africa state heads through AU, the endless discrediting of ICC in Kenya and among friendly nations of Africa, the Jubilee's bulldozing parliament to vote for withdrawal of Kenya from ICC and continuing aligning of Kenya with China and Russia in the diplomatic front all point to nothing other than the indicted leaders seeking a political way out of their predicament. It was the inductees and still remains to be their way of seeking to get justification from wrong doings in PEV from a non-judicial system, political system.

Claims by the inductees and supporters that the ICC became political and therefore perpetuates discrimination against African leaders or those leaders who are not friendly to the 'master nations' controlling the ICC and every other rhetoric against ICC that fills the air are all these self preserving people's political strategy of defeating justice. This strategy speaks very clearly to the inductees' awareness or fears that they are guilty and are unredeemable in a legitimate judicial process.

Let us first put aside the above argument and take the vigorous campaigns in the literal sense that they are to provide leadership that Africa needs today. The matter which seems not to support genuineness of these campaigns is their failure to support and build strong judicial processes in the country and region. If the pair of inductees was as innocent as they claim to be, then they should be leading the argument that supports, not just cooperates with, ICC process. They should be leading Kenyans to support every measure and process which seeks judicial expedition of their cases which, at the moment is ICC. If the prosecutor's evidence and argument were as weak as they present, then they would not have mounted such a huge political barrier to the judicial process. Put simply, if Uhuruto pair was not as guilty and exposed as they feel, they would not have mounted as much political resistance to The Hague court as they have and continue to do.

Where does Uhuruto leadership of campaign against the ICC put their cases? In the hopes of the inductees, politically they took the cases to the international political arena and made them become a competition of interests of the west versus the east. We should wait to see if this formulation will give them a favourable verdict. What is clear is that the prosecutor and the judges have clearly understood these inductees' political strategies and are careful not to allow the court to display mediocrity to confirm the message of the inductees. The attitude would be for the court to look for every opportune moment to redeem its name. Through what verdict will the court redeem itself especially in a system where the inductees and their friends have put it on the international political arena? Certainly it will assert itself to uphold and be seen to uphold a verifiable and clean judicial process.

In conclusion, the actions of Uhuruto in mounting local, regional and international political campaign to disrepute ICC and therefore belittle their cases is as self-defeating as publicly pleading guilty in the court. The work of the prosecutor and the judges has been made very easy. The world of people who believe in action justice is waiting for this verdict sooner than later.

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