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Despite difficulties,
Despite difficulties,
Gaza's Ark is moving ahead!
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An important phase of rebuilding Gaza's Ark is now completed: custom steel reinforcements of the hull have been installed (see, in spite of difficulties facing work in Gaza (see
Since this spring, with help of supporters like you, our campaign has managed to inspect, test and purchase the boat that we are transforming into the cargo vessel, Gaza's Ark. The former fishing boat was then cleaned and unneeded fishing tackle removed, so that above-water wooden portions could be sanded and waterproofed with fiberglass. We are currently close to also finishing the installation of the fuel, water and waste tanks.
Since this spring, with help of supporters like you, our campaign has managed to inspect, test and purchase the boat that we are transforming into the cargo vessel, Gaza's Ark. The former fishing boat was then cleaned and unneeded fishing tackle removed, so that above-water wooden portions could be sanded and waterproofed with fiberglass. We are currently close to also finishing the installation of the fuel, water and waste tanks.
We are also pleased to announce that we have now raised over $150,000, passing the mid-point towards our fund-raising target for the whole project. We have got this far with your help, and we still have much to do together.
Our Consulting Marine Engineer (a volunteer member of our Steering Committee) and Project Manager have finished design plans (see, and next we will embark on a major phase of the project: building the cabins and accommodations. This work is scheduled to commence this week. Building the cabin should take a few weeks and will cost $6,500 in materials and at least $3,000 in labor costs.
In addition to building the cabin and finishing the interior, we will need to waterproof the submerged parts with fiberglass after getting the boat out of the water. There will be communication and safety equipment to purchase and install (see for specific items for which you or your organization can help pay), as well as costs for inspection and certification before we can outfit the boat for an ocean voyage.
We hope that you will continue your generous contributions so the work does not slow down and we don't face any delays in making the remaining monthly installments of the purchase price. You can buy shares in hope ( to contribute towards payments and other costs of preparing Gaza's Ark to sail. You can also donate by cheque or other means of payment.
By supporting Gaza's Ark you are helping to challenge the blockade, creating work in Gaza and empowering the Palestinian population in Gaza in these very difficult times when they are facing increasing difficulties.
Together we will make sure Gaza's Ark sails!
Gaza's Ark Steering Committee
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