[Mabadiliko] 2014 Master's and Doctoral Courses in English at The Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University [1 Attachment]

Friday, September 27, 2013

Special Program for April or October 2014!

Master's and Doctoral Courses in English


The Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University, seeks to achieve a more prominent international reputation through their increased involvement in the exchange of students and researchers as well as joint research projects. Our program now offers interdisciplinary courses in which lectures, instruction, seminars and research-related supervision are given entirely in English. Eligible students can now sequentially attain both a Master's and Doctoral degree from Osaka University, a leading Japanese University, while having minimal to no experience in the Japanese language. These highly qualified and globally recognized graduate students will not only participate in cutting edge research, but also gain a sophisticated understanding of advanced engineering science topics. Please join us in exploring science and technology in the 21st century, through the guiding principles of the Graduate School of Engineering Science.

1. Number to be Admitted

Twenty for each year

Note: This application is different from one with Monbukagakusho Scholarship. The applicant is not pre-guaranteed to be supported by any scholarships.

2. Qualifications of Applicants

  1. Education:
    Master's Course applicants must
    1. have graduated from a university/college or be expected to graduate prior to the date of entrance to the course,
    2. have completed 16 years of formal education or be expected to complete prior to the date of entrance to the course, or
    3. be approved as an equivalent to university graduates by the Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University
    Doctoral Course applicants must
    1. have completed a master's course or be expected to complete prior to the date of entrance to the course, or
    2. be approved as an equivalent to master's graduates by the Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University.
  2. Language ability: must have good understanding of English.

3. Financial Supports

Students without any scholarship will receive financial support of around 20,000 JPY per month from the Graduate School under our specialized regulations.

4. Payment of Fees

  1. Examination fee: 30,000 JPY
  2. Admission fee: 282,000 JPY (fiscal year 2013)
  3. Tuition fees: 535,800 JPY per year (fiscal year 2013)

Note: If the fees are revised by the University, the students must pay the revised amount.

5. Screening

The selection will be made on the basis of the application documents.

6. Date of Entrance to the Course

April 1 (spring course) or October 1 (autumn course), 2014


Read more: http://www.es.osaka-u.ac.jp/en/programs/non-sponsored.html

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