[Mabadiliko] Fwd: Call for Applications 2013–2014 Faculty for the Future Fellowships (Only Open to Women) for Possible Funding at UQ

Thursday, August 01, 2013

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From: Anthony Halog <a.halog@uq.edu.au>
Date: Thu, Aug 1, 2013 at 2:30 PM
Subject: Call for Applications 2013–2014 Faculty for the Future Fellowships (Only Open to Women) for Possible Funding at UQ

HI there,


This fellowship might be able to support your PhD/or postdoctoral research in industrial ecology, circular economy, sustainable consumption and production at the University of Queensland. This is only open to Women.


Call for Applications 2013–2014 Faculty for the Future Fellowships

Faculty for the Future


The Schlumberger Foundation is accepting applications for the 2013–2014 Faculty for the Future Fellowships from September 10th to November 16th 2012 for new applications; from September 10th to November 9th for renewal applications.


The Schlumberger Foundation Faculty for the Future program, launched in 2004, awards fellowships to women from developing and emerging economies to pursue PhD or post-doctoral studies in the physical sciences (e.g. environmental science and management)*, engineering and technology at leading universities abroad*.


The long-term goal of the Faculty for the Future program is to generate conditions that result in more women pursuing academic careers in scientific disciplines thus contributing to the socio-economic development of their home countries and regions.


The Faculty for the Future program is growing each year and has become a powerful community of 257 women scientists from 62 countries. Grant recipients are selected as much for their leadership capabilities as for their scientific talents. Ultimately they are expected to return to their home countries to continue their academic careers, to further their research, to teach and to become inspirational role models for other young women.


Faculty for the Future grants are based on actual costs up to a maximum of USD 50,000 per year and may be renewed through to completion of studies subject to performance, self-evaluation, and recommendations from supervisors.


Candidates should have applied to, have been admitted to, or be currently enrolled in a university abroad* when submitting their Faculty for the Future grant application. Candidates must hold an excellent academic record and be able to evidence their commitment to teaching, research or using science in public policy advocacy. Candidates should demonstrate leadership skills and have a track record in encouraging young women into the sciences.


All information about the Faculty for the Future fellowship program are found at:



Anthony Halog, PhD, MBA

Lecturer in Industrial Environmental Management/LCA Certified Professional

School of Geography, Planning & Environmental Management

The University of Queensland

Brisbane QLD 4072 Australia

Phone: (+61) 7 336 56141

Fax: (+61) 7 336 56899

Website: http://www.gpem.uq.edu.au/anthony-halog


"There is Definitely Wrong in Our Human Thinking that has Resulted to a Multitude of Environmental Problems and Sustainable Development Challenges!"



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