[wanabidii] Teacher's salary is the cornerstone of Economy!

Monday, July 08, 2013

The other day, I went into a popular restaurant in Homa Bay County and found it empty. I asked the waiter what had happened, and she told me that the teachers had not earned--that they were being punished for being on strike. Now, her employer too was threatening to shut down the establishment, and the door to her income. I can imagine the boomerang effect. Pay the teachers handsomely and you will build this economy handsomely. Deny them the money and you starve the economy. Almost all the money spent on other elites are a waste--the transfer of meagre funds to Prado countries and international boutiques. It is a lie to say that the money has been devolved when it is denied to the people who build the local economy and given to gangsters of waste and capital flight--the grandsons and daughters of primordial chiefs who sold Africa in exchange for trinkets.

By Adrian Onyando ( Lecturer,Egerton University).

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