[Mabadiliko] English Grammar and Pronunciation

Saturday, May 11, 2013
Guys and Gals,

I just want to bring to your attention 2 items that have become pet peeves of mine lately. One has to do with simple grammar and the other, pronunciation.

Let's see:

1.  I have often heard people say:

The reason why I am buying that car is because it has more room in the boot/trunk for our luggage should we have to travel as a family.

The correct way to say this is:

The reason why I am buying that car is that it has more room in the boot/trunk for our luggage should we travel as a family. 

2. The name Xavier. The most famous form of this name is St. Francis Xavier. It's a French name so it must be pronounced the way the French pronounce it.

Let me use Kiswahili as a base for pronunciation.

People, especially the English-inclined, say  Zevia
Africans generally say  Zavia or Ksavia or Ksavie

The correct way to pronounce this name is:  G-zavie

I hope this will come in handy to those who were not sure. I too had trouble with these 2 items, among thousands of others, in my Secondary School years.


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