[wanabidii] April 2013 Issue : The Future is here

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Asian Heritage Society

Legacy and Leadership


Catalyst for the Future

Asian Heritage Awards

Celebrating Achievement

and Mentorship

Asia Media America

Bringing Worlds Together

April 2013 Issue 

      Stem Cell SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY – The future is here, but if  we don't move aggressively, the future will be the past. That's why GIOSTAR of San Diego is pushing the stem cell research community to overcome the politics and red tape that's preventing the United States from taking the lead in therapeutic applications.  See story on page 31.

     OUTREACH  to history --  A pilgrimage to Indonesia explores  the significance of a major movement that changed Indonesian history and life.  Sarina Dahlan-Dann explores the significance and her  relationship to it. See story on page 28

     Good  for BUSINESS --  That's what agriculture is in Central California, especially for Bob and Judy, who own a farm.  The area, 30 miles south of San Jose, is also home to some of  the  richest real estate in the state.  So what happens when agriculture comes up against well-connected real estate interests? See story on page 24     

     Ripe with OPPORTUNITY -- More and more Americans are recognizing the need to clean  up the environment and lessen the use of fossil fuels. In recognition, the National Resources Defense Council has proposed a five-step plan for Americans that will provide an opportunity to stem greenhouse gas emissions.  See story on page 26. 

     ENTREPRENEURSHIP at 17-- Nick D'Alosio of Great Britain became an instant multimillionaire by taking an age-old tradition of journalism – the inverted pyramid – and converting it to software that can be used on a variety of applications. Call it  instant  "news-ing." See story on page 32. 

     Yum Ta Kai: The cure for what ails you -- Hot and humid weather favors bacterial growth, the cause of stomach ailments, and, worse, severe food poisoning.  When that happens, food is the last thing on your mind.  Often, however, after you get better, it still may be the last thing on your mind. Tom Tillman  has a way of restoring that appetite with this special Thai salad. It's in "Daddy's Dishes." See story on page 5. 

     Cosmologist Stephen Hawking travels from England to San Diego to pay tribute to an old friend.  See photos on page 51.  

     Great Names -- When you think of them,  "Peter Dreier "or "Alice Hamilton" don't exactly drip from your lips. But they are among  the greatest names of the 20th Century.  See if  you agree with the experts on whom should be on this list. Then ask yourself: Where are the Asian Americans?  See story on page 8. 

     Great Sayings -- Ever wonder where the phrases "Chairman of the Board" or "It will cost an arm and a leg" come from?  See story on page 9. 

     Citizenship -- How willing are you to fight and keep that right to vote alive? While Asian Americans and other minorities voted  in record numbers in the last general election, moves are afoot to restrict that power. See story on page 16. 

     Pigs, smog and the Chinese dream -- There's an ongoing joke in China that captures the competition between  Beijing and Shanghai while tying it neatly to the country's number one preoccupation: pollution. "In Beijing you just need to open your window, inhale and you'll get the equivalent of having smoked three cigarettes," goes the boast from Beijing. "Oh, that's nothing," says the diehard Shanghai resident. "Here we turn on the hot water faucet and we get pig soup." And he's not kidding. See story on page 4.  

     Last Call for Nominations for the Tenth  Annual Asian Heritage Awards: How and where to nominate. See story on page 6. 

     Alice Inoye makes her bed a bed of roses. See story on page 34.

     Jason Alderman asks: How financially literate are you? See story on page 35.

     Wayne Chan sees Hong Kong  "as American as apple pie." See story on page 45.







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