[wanabidii] Raila And Kibaki Should Be On ICC List: Uhuru

Saturday, January 26, 2013
Its true Uhuru is not an investigator and cannot therefore suggest who else should be in the ICC list.On political responsibility,the political will of the day should take responsibility along side the security systems in place - many people died of gun shots(who could have done it).
Hon.Kenyatta 7 team can only come out of the allegations against them if they can devalue the evidence against them during the trial - they is innocent until proven guilty.
"Mr Kenyatta dismissed concerns that his alliance with Mr Ruto was
aimed at capturing the presidency as a prelude to defying the ICC,
insisting it was geared towards leading Kenya along the path of peace and reconciliation
On peace and reconcilliation,Hon.Uhuru & team went round the country for peace ,reconcilliation and prayers that unfortunately never brought stakeholders face to face ;-
1). who was reconciling with who!
2). Who forgave/has forgiven who!
3). What is the background here!

The office of the DPP was said to have had about 500 cases for prosecution that later turned to lack evidency by a team that was appointed to look at them - where does that leave us in the context of seeking to refer the cases for a local tribunal given that there must be processes that are on going to consider refferals!
What evidence that Uhuru have that can see Raila and Kibaki face trial at ICC!
From: maina ndiritu <litshooz@gmail.com>
To: africa yahoogroups <africa-oped@yahoogroups.com>; "youngprofessionals_ke@googlegroups.com" <youngprofessionals_ke@googlegroups.com>; the last word to kenya <thelastwordtokenya@yahoogroups.com>; VVM Vuguvugu Mashinani <vuguvugumashinani@yahoogroups.com>; forum <wanakenya@googlegroups.com>; "progressive-kenyans@googlegroups.com" <progressive-kenyans@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2013 8:28 AM
Subject: [africa-oped] Raila And Kibaki Should Be On ICC List: Uhuru

Jubilee Coalition presidential candidate Uhuru Kenyatta has said
President Kibaki and Prime Minister Raila Odinga should be the ones to
face trial at The Hague.

"I was never a candidate for presidency in 2007, neither was William
Ruto," Mr Kenyatta told Al Jazeera.

"The question on who must bear responsibility for the violence must
be addressed by the two individuals seeking presidency in 2007".

The candidates were President Kibaki for the PNU and Prime Minister
Raila Odinga for ODM.

He noted that Mr Odinga, his main rival for the 2013 presidential
elections, should be held responsible for the violence that rocked the
country after the hotly disputed 2007 election.

At least 1,000 people were killed and more than 350,000 other
rendered homeless in the violence.

He recounted that when he lost the presidential election against
President Kibaki in 2002, he conceded defeat, thereby averting any
violence that could have erupted.

Asked whether the PM should have been on the ICC list of those who
bore the greatest responsibility for the violence, Mr Kenyatta said:
"I am not an investigator but what I do know that Raila Odinga has
political responsibility for the chaos that occurred in 2007. I stand
by that position."

Mr Kenyatta dismissed concerns that his alliance with Mr Ruto was
aimed at capturing the presidency as a prelude to defying the ICC,
insisting it was geared towards leading Kenya along the path of peace
and reconciliation.

He accused Western countries planning to impose sanctions on Kenya
should he win the elections of pursuing a hidden agenda.

"If you want to impose sanctions on a country because it has followed
through and elected its leaders through a democratic process, that
puts to question what the interests of those countries are with regard
to Kenya," said Mr Kenyatta.

The Deputy Prime Minister said ICC had its role, but his election
would mean that Kenyans question the process that landed them at The

"I am not saying that international justice doesn't have a purpose...
but if Kenyans do vote for us, it will mean that Kenyans themselves
have questioned the process that has landed us at the International
Criminal Court. But that does not mean that we will cease to cooperate
because as I have said most importantly we understand and recognise
the rule of law," he said.

He also dismissed fears that there would be a power vacuum should he
and Mr Ruto win and then have to attend trial at the Hague.

"Kenya is not a banana republic," said Mr Kenyatta.

Why should we not all live in peace and harmony ? we look up the same stars
, we are fellow passengers on the same planet and dwell beneath the same
sky , what matters it along which road each individual endeavours to reach
the ultimate truth ? the riddle of existence is too great that there should
be only one road leading us to an answer


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