[wanabidii] Vurugu za kidini zahofiwa Kenya

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Baada ya vurugu za Al Shabaab, mapigano ya wezi wa mifugo, na ugomvi wa kikabila, sasa ni hekaheka za udini.

Kwa mwendo huu Afrika Mashariki mambo si shwari..................

Religious violence feared after bus bombing in Kenya

Youths armed with machetes and stones targeted civilians of Somali origin in revenge attacks after a bus bombing in Nairobi. Officials are urging calm, fearing religious violence.

Fears of religious violence in Kenya are on the rise today following a weekend bus bombing in Nairobi's predominately Somali neighborhood, the third explosion there this month.

Eyewitnesses said a male attacker, disguised in a Bui-Bui, a shawl often worn by Muslim women, threw an improvised explosive device into the minibus, tearing it apart and flattening its tires.  

"The terrorist's intention is to cause friction between Christians and Muslims…. I urge for calm," said Kenya's Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka.

Youths armed with machetes and stones targeted civilians of Somali origin in revenge attacks, accusing them of carrying out the Sunday bombing of a minibus, which killed 10 people and injured another 30. Using grenades and Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs), terrorist blasts have targeted churches and the police in the past, and now for the first time, public transport. There were warnings of an imminent terrorist attack, The Standard, a daily newspaper reported, but police focused on churches as potential targets. 

"This is very bad. To isolate the Somalis and target them because of the blast is very deadly. If we don't arrest it, it may backfire into a religious war," says Rev. Wellington Mutiso, the general secretary of the Evangelical Alliance of Kenya.

 Endelea: http://www.csmonitor.com/World/Africa/2012/1119/Religious-violence-feared-after-bus-bombing-in-Kenya-video  

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