[wanabidii] TNA joins in cleaning Muthurwa Market

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

As we commend Team Uhuru and TNA for joining the cleanup campaign, we also want to invite them to lasting and sustainable solutions to the problem. We are now focusing on sustainable solutions that will also create employment for our youth through the process of separation and recycling waste.

I want to believe that TNA will work with The Clean Kenya Campaign-TCKC to seek lasting solutions to waste management in our towns and cities.

This can be the only way to show commitment beyond politics. We are steadfast on this and will be around even after the elections addressing this issue until eventually we will have cleaner and safer neighborhoods.

We must however commend Team Uhuru and TNA for they have come out of the busy campaigns that are crowding everything.

We look forward to working with all leaders not only to join in the environmental awareness campaigns but also to sit with us and listen to the solutions we are offering.

We will be most impressed, and we are sure the rest of Kenya will be as well, with the party that translates waste into wealth, through job creation and opening investment areas through their manifesto with regard to the waste sector.But above all, we want to sustainability, Raila, Ruto and now Uhuru have all come on board, we wish their coming on board would translate into how we would proceed with seeking lasting solutions, in effect, listening to the thinking we have beyond the cleanup for the cameras.

The good thing is, TCKC has done all the donkey work, created networks, crafted a comprehensive environmental management strategy and a logical framework for investment in waste besides doing wide research and documenting initiatives engaging in waste management and how we can up scale and build their capacities.


Otieno Sungu.
The Clean Kenya Campaign-TCKC

From: odhiambo okecth <komarockswatch@yahoo.com>
To: talkhard@yahoogroups.com; Wanabidii <wanabidii@googlegroups.com>; YP <youngprofessionals_ke@googlegroups.com>
Cc: Siasa-Kenya@yahoogroups.com; sundaynation@nation.co.ke; talknigeria@yahoogroups.com; The Editor <editor@africanexecutive.com>; the last word to kenya <thelastwordtokenya@yahoogroups.com>; Vugu Vugu <vuguvugumashinani@yahoogroups.com>; wananchi@yahoogroups.com; Watchman <watchman@nation.co.ke>; Weekly Citizen <citnewspaper@yahoo.com>
Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2012 1:45 PM
Subject: (VVM Forum) TNA joins in cleaning Muthurwa Market


The National Alliance joined with Muthurwa Market Traders in cleaning Muthurwa Market today. I joined with them and and on behalf of The Clean Kenya Campaign, I must appreciate TNA for joining with us today.
With that said, the question of waste and waste management in Kenya is real, and we at The Clean Kenya Campaign would not wish to play politics with this death trap. Our political leaders have been with us since Independence and they have presided over this rot as it grows big and bigger. This is why we have been inviting all to join with us and talk no politics.
When we launched the City Wide Clean up Campaign in Eastleigh on the 18th September 2010 with the then Mayor of Nairobi Cllr Geoffrey Majiwa, we made it clear to him that this was not going to be a political arena. And he understood.
When the Rt Hon Prime Minister Raila Amolo Odinga joined with us in Mombasa on the 20th February 2011, he was alive to this fact. And his nominee Hon Amason Kingi- the Minister for Fisheries Development never talked politics.
We then went to Eldoretin May of 2011 our Guest of Honour Hon William Ruto never made it a political event. I was greatly impressed when Hon Ruto joined with us in the trenches and helped clean a section of Huruma Estate.
Next we were in Kisii Town where we were hosted by Ms Janet Ongera- the Executive Director at the Orange Democratic Movement. Again, Ms Ongera opted to join with us as Green Fingers International and not as an ODM Official. And she never mixed politics with the Clean up.
In July, we were in Kisumu and Kakamega where we were hosted by His Worship the Mayor Cllr Sam Okello in Kisumu and His Worship the Mayor Cllr Sichele in Kakamega. Again, we never talked politics.
Our next stop was Nyeri where we were hosted by His Worship the Mayor of Nyeri Cllr Edward Muteru and again, he never played politics.
Now, all these are our leaders and we respect them despite all their glaring shortcomings. One thing that I must appreciate all of them with is, they recognized that the question of waste and non-management of the same in Kenya is a real damning situation. It transcends across all Kenya and joins all of us despite our political affiliations, our religious persuasions and even race.
It is with this in mind that even as we commend TNA for joining with the market traders to help clean Muthurwa Market today, we must be alive to the fact that waste wastes all of us. It is a serious national shame and we MUST not start playing therapeutic politics with it.
Waste Management needs some very clear and sober engagement with one clear aim of solving the problem, not winning votes.
Let us all work for a Clean Kenya as a Transformative Deliverable as we turn 50.

Odhiambo T Oketch,
Executive Director,
The Clean Kenya Campaign-TCKC
The Clean Kenya Campaign is an Initiative of The KCDN Kenya.
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