Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Consider the following;

a) A detailed Business Plan
b) A Search Engine Optimized website (1GB space hosting for 1 year!)
c) Internet & Social Media Marketing training and implementation campaign for 3 months

All this for Kshs 45,000/ payable as follows;

a) 50% on signing contract
b) 50% after 30 Days.

i) We will broadcast you and your products and services to thousands if not millions of existing and potential customers over the internet and specifically social media networks eg Facebook,twitter, LinkedIn,Google +
ii) This will increase your brand awareness
iii) It will boast your sales
iv) It will cut your advertising and marketing costs drastically
v) It will help you open your business for international customers
vi) it will help you launch new products
vii) It will help you gather information about your customers in order to serve them better.
Thanking You
Daniel Kamau Muguko - MBA (MIS),BA Econ,CPA(K),CPS
+254 722 281679
"The greatest waste in the world is the difference between what we are and what we could become" Herbster, Ben

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