[wanabidii] Obama/Romney Campaigns : Any lesson for Kenyans!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Its about 5 months to the next General elections for Kenya to have her 4th presdent even after being in the campaign mood almost since the last bouched 2007 elections.
The most interesting scenario is that whereas attention from the Obama/Romney race hots up on the economy,taxes,jobs creation,healthcare and Americas foreign policy and family display to our admiration,the same is not the case to our Presidential aspirants.
Our media and social forums are awash with who should or should not "win/voted for" his/her agenda and intergrity among aother issues notwithstanding.
Currently,we are undergoing change processes courtesy of the New constitution order.There is a big vacuum on what it will take a county to stand as to the National Kitty of 15% (that is somewhat ksh.5 billion)will do and the creation a sustainable County government.
The Gender equity rule and in particular women and marginalized women among other issues are yet to be understood.Talking and talking with "like minded parties" are more focussed on our community versus that other community.
Isnt it time we borrowed a leaf and lessons from other political arenas for our application given that we admire the theatrics from such jurisdictions!

From: "MsJoe21St@aol.com" <MsJoe21St@aol.com>
To: Camnetwork@yahoogroups.com; USAAfricaDialogue@googlegroups.com; nigerianworldforum@yahoogroups.com
Cc: mwananchi@yahoogroups.com; kenyaonline@yahoogroups.com; Africans_Without_Borders@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, October 9, 2012 7:59 PM
Subject: [KOL] Obama Bounces Back with a lead over Romney
Okay, we go. The only official commentators are:
Duchess Samira representing all Europe, including foreign policy
Ni Ben of Obama-land monitoring Big Bird, too
Aloys of Maryland for all Small Businesses
Sam of Georgia, the 9-Yarder touchdowner
Uncle SAF of Netherlands
Konde the Black Dude in the South not Clarence Thomases
On the outside hitting brick walls are are:
Don't panic  Wharf Snake
Hahaha Prof Bangura
What is  Esu taking about?
Other Meat debating Romney
Don't forget the Dreamers
Check on Health and See you on National
Stay Tune for Details on the Next Debate Watch Party: October 16.
Come at 8pm: Plenty of Details to Discuss.
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