--- On Sun, 10/28/12, darius mhawi <dariusmhawi@yahoo.com> wrote: From: darius mhawi <dariusmhawi@yahoo.com> Subject: Fw: Fwd: TAHADHARI KWA WATUMIAJI WA KOMPYUTA - PLEASE CIRCULATE URGENT To: "EMMANUEL JACKSON" <ejackie8@hotmail.com>, "Omari Sultani" <omari.sultan@yahoo.com>, "John Mbele" <mbele.john@yahoo.com>, "John Pinin" <jonpin2002@hotmail.com>, "John Mhoja" <mhoja72@yahoo.co.uk>, "Nestory Mhando" <nmhando@thefoundation-tz.org>, "Grace Mghamba" <mghambagrace@cdftz.org>, "Eric Guga" <eric@childrightsforum.org>, "John Bujari" <malaniloj@gmail.com>, "joyce kobero" <kobero81@yahoo.com>, "Magreth Henjewele" <magreth.henjo@gmail.com>, "Magdalena Joram" <magdalena.joram@yahoo.com>, "Naima George" <naimageorge@kairointernational.com>, "KaiRo Accounts" <newafricaaccounts@kairointernational.com>, "Alex Mwemfula" <alexmwemfula@yahoo.com>, "Abdallah Jaffary" <ajaffary44@hotmail.com>, "Absalom Kibanda" <absakib@yahoo.com>, "Phoebe Bryant" <phoebe.bryant@googlemail.com>, "BARTHOLOMEO MKOPA" <bbmkopa@HQ.BOT-TZ.ORG>, "eveline cleynen" <lalalaline@yahoo.com>, "chrispin mwansanga" <mwansanga@yahoo.com>, "Edda Cha" <edacha2002@yahoo.com>, "Christopher Nyamwanji" <christophernyamwanji@yahoo.com>, "Christian Makunga" <chrismakunga@yahoo.com>, "Donatian Marusu" <donatian.marusu@gmail.com>, "Singwa" <singwa3@g.mail.com>, "Eng. Haule" <hbahati2000@yahoo.com>, "Joy Seidl" <joyseidl@yahoo.de>, "Felician Tomeka" <felitomeka_ft@ymail.com>, "Francis Luambano" <fmaposeni@yahoo.com>, "Fatmah Hamza" <fatmah.hamzat@yahoo.com>, "ghati horombe" <ghatih@yahoo.co.uk>, "Harriet Marando" <harrietmarando@yahoo.com>, "Justa E. Mwaituka" <jmwaituka@yahoo.co.uk>, "veronica kilawa" <verkilawa@yahoo.com>, "Adam Lingson" <alingson@yahoo.com>, "Godfrey Mzena" <goddie1978@yahoo.com>, "CLEMENT MASHAMBA" <mashamba.cj@gmail.com>, "Sabas Masawe" <sabasmasawe@rocketmail.com> Date: Sunday, October 28, 2012, 7:31 PM
--- On Sat, 10/27/12, Leandri Kinabo <kinabols@yahoo.com> wrote: From: Leandri Kinabo <kinabols@yahoo.com> Subject: Fwd: TAHADHARI KWA WATUMIAJI WA KOMPYUTA - PLEASE CIRCULATE URGENT To: "alberta kinabo" <albeki@hotmail.com>, "simon mpyanga" <smpyanga@yahoo.com>, "lazaro.msasalaga@tbs.go.tz" <lazaro.msasalaga@tbs.go.tz>, "Albert Kaali" <albertkaali@yahoo.com>, "david.eboku@unbs.go.ug" <david.eboku@unbs.go.ug>, "fabian masembo" <masembok@yahoo.com>, "edna.ndumbaro@tbstz.org" <edna.ndumbaro@tbstz.org>, "Ekelege" <ekelegecm@yahoo.co.uk>, "Rosemary Matemba Ndesamburo" <rose_matemba@yahoo.com>, "kassenga@aru.ac.tz" <kassenga@aru.ac.tz>, "nixon matowo" <mlungwe@yahoo.com>, "MARIAM KAMANDO" <mariam.kamando@tbstz.org>, "Angelina Madete" <nzula2007@gmail.com>, "Peter Masinga" <petersamasinga@yahoo.com>, "Obadiah Msaki" <obadiah@ud.co.tz>, "Romana Marunda" <rmarunda@saz.org.zw>, "maria moshi" <furasia@yahoo.com>, "claude.mosha@tbstz.org" <claude.mosha@tbstz.org> Date: Saturday, October 27, 2012, 12:25 AM
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From: Elimensa Masamu < ebmasamu@yahoo.co.uk> Date: 24 Oktoba 2012 8:20:53 alasiri GMT +02:00 To: " md@itecoconsult.com" < md@itecoconsult.com>, iteco Consult < dariteco@yahoo.com>, Upendo Masamu < upendo.masamu@yahoo.com>, Mima Menser < mimamenser@yahoo.com>, Nuru Makumulo < nuruandj@yahoo.com>, " sam@itecoconsult.com" < sam@itecoconsult.com>, musagasa < jmusagasa@gmail.com>, lameck < me.lameck@gmail.com>, Lijei < lijeimui@yahoo.com>, " mzibit88@gmail.com" < mzibit88@gmail.com>, Richard Mwakasitu < rmwakasitu@yahoo.co.uk>, MACHIBYA < machibya@wemaconsult.com>, Leandri Kinabo < kinabols@yahoo.com>, Daniel Kimambo < dikimambo@gmail.com> Subject: Fw: Fwd: TAHADHARI KWA WATUMIAJI WA KOMPYUTA - PLEASE CIRCULATE URGENTReply-To: Elimensa Masamu < ebmasamu@yahoo.co.uk>
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