First let me start with condolences to the family of IEBC's Director of ICT Chris Msando who was brutally tortured and killed days to the elections. Msando was a critical talent that would have ensured that elections are free, fair and transparent but his life was cut short by what appears to be an attempt to influence the elections. May he rest in peace and if only for his honor, let's keep the fight to ensure the elections are truly free, fair and transparent. And that leads me to my topic. Perhaps I should start with my pieces of advice first: … Continue reading
There is deep distrust of the electoral process in Kenya that runs decades; Fred Matiang'i serves at the pleasure of President Uhuru Kenyatta who is fighting an uphill reelection battle, Matiang'i is beholden to Kenyatta and has a vested interest in the outcome of the elections because his very job and future directly depends on Kenyatta's reelection. In this case Matiang'i has only amplified that fact by way of the edicts he issued, again, Matiang'i is serving President Kenyatta's interests and not the interests of Kenyans. Matiang'i is the proverbial "FOX GUARDING THE HEN HOUSE" in this election and that's a problem by any objective measure. This MUST STOP! First, my advice to Matiang'i … Continue reading