[wanabidii] New content updates

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Dear Wanabidii Africa Mashariki,

The following new content has been been added to our website:

Press Releases

15/06/2017 - The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) has signed a JPY 34.41 billion (about US$ 300 million) loan agreement with the African Development Bank under the Enhanced Private Sector Assistance (EPSA) initiative which is a component of Japan's Official Development Assistance (ODA) to Africa.

Categories: Japan, Private Sector, Enhanced Private Sector Assistance for Africa: EPSA Initiative, Fund for African Private Sector Assistance, Enhanced Private Sector Assistance for Africa: EPSA Initiative, Fund for African Private Sector Assistance

15/06/2017 - The African Development Bank (AfDB) Group and Export Trading Group (ETG) marked a significant milestone on May 30 with the signing of a US$ 100 million loan to finance part of the company's Agricultural Investment Program (IP) in Africa which will promote employment for youths and women, and adopt an integrated value-chain approach that emphasizes access to regional and global markets.

Categories: South Africa, Kenya, Zambia, Tanzania, Mozambique, Togo, Ethiopia, Benin, Zimbabwe, Nigeria, Uganda, Burkina Faso, Malawi, Niger, Agriculture & Agro-industries


General procurement notices

Expressions of interest


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