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Wednesday, May 24, 2017
2017 Annual Meetings of the African Development Bank

The 2017 Annual Meetings of the African Development Bank (AfDB) Group will be held on May 22-26, 2017 in Ahmedabad, India. The Annual Meetings are the Bank's largest annual event and serve to raise the profile of the institution on the global stage. Find out more

Dear Wanabidii Africa Mashariki,

The following new content has been been added to our website:

Press Releases

24/05/2017 - The African Development Bank Group and Ethiopia signed loan and grant agreements to the tune of US $5.6 million on Wednesday for additional resources to Ethiopia's One Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Program. The Bank's support focuses on the rural and pastoralist areas and is timely in the light of the drought that is being experienced in the horn of Africa.

Categories: Ethiopia, India, Agriculture & Agro-industries, Environment, Human Capital Development, Water Supply & Sanitation, Climate Change

24/05/2017 - The African Development Bank (AfDB) has proposed new investment strategies in Africa's agriculture sector, which, if properly implemented, would effectively alter the market structures around the world in favour of the African farmers of major cash crops like tea, coffee and cocoa.

Categories: India, Agriculture & Agro-industries, Private Sector, Partnerships, Employment, Youth, Human Capital Development


24/05/2017 - Development of Africa's human capital has been identified as key aspect to achieve industrialization. During a TV debate at the African Development Bank Group Annual Meetings, African leaders recognised that a needs-based approach to human capital development would be crucial for the continent to leapfrog and achieve industrialization.

Categories: India, Agriculture & Agro-industries, Private Sector, Partnerships

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01 BP 1387
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Phone: +225 2026 3900
Email: afdb@afdb.org

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