[wanabidii] New content updates

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Dear Wanabidii Africa Mashariki,

The following new content has been been added to our website:

Press Releases

21/03/2017 - Some 509 micro, small and medium enterprises development (MSME) owners graduated and received certificates of participation after attending two business development courses organized by the Seychelles Enterprise Promotion Agency (SEnPA) in collaboration with the University of Seychelles, under the African Development Bank-financed Seychelles MSME Development Project.

Categories: Seychelles, Fund for African Private Sector Assistance, Private Sector, Youth, Employment, Human Capital Development, Poverty Reduction, Gender, Partnerships, Fund for African Private Sector Assistance

21/03/2017 - Le Ministre sénégalais de l'économie, des finances et du plan, Amadou Ba, et le Directeur général du Bureau Régional de Développement et de Prestation de Services pour l'Afrique de l'Ouest de la Banque africaine de développement (BAD), Janvier Litse, ont signé à Dakar, l'accord de prêt relatif au financement du Projet de construction du Pont de Rosso entre la Mauritanie et le Sénégal.

Categories: Mauritania, Senegal, Infrastructure, Transport

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