Monday, January 09, 2017

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Kenya is at the crossroads in 2017 with respect to the direction the country takes for the next five years and potentially fifteen. Fewer are watershed moments in any society as the general elections which usually have far reaching consequences. Perhaps nowhere is that as clear as the recent election of President-elect Donald Trump in the United States. For good or worse, America is poised to go through a drastic directional shift no one would have imagined just a few months into the elections but truth be told, nobody should be surprised of Trump's win in the United States because the groundswell was clearly evident. Americans wanted to make a statement against the status quo and the political establishment that many felt took them for granted.

Kenya could very well see a similar wave that swept America and is creeping on Africa if recent elections in Gambia and Ghana are anything to go by. If that were to happen, perhaps there's no one to thank but the Jubilee government itself, specifically Deputy President William Samoei Ruto. To an untrained eye, Ruto has cultivated an image of a macho guy capable of moving mountains with grand displays of opulence and power but truth be told, beneath the Ruto façade is a fragile man who depends on intimidation and violence for survival. That makes him extremely dangerous to not only those opposed to him him but also the country as a whole; he has the motive to protect and preserve the ill-acquired wealth and power is the only tool he knows how. That Ruto is a narcissistic, sadistic, arrogant and a pathological liar is very well known character traits of the man because he effortlessly displays them. If not stopped now, Ruto is the perfect reincarnate of the likes of Iddi Amin of Uganda, Jean-Bédel Bokassa of the Central Africa Republic, Hitler, Musolin and Stalin, despots who reigned over their subject with diabolical stranglehold and brute force that resulted in Millions of deaths. Make no mistake about this guys, Ruto is an irredeemable blot on Kenya and if we the people don't do something to stop him now, we will live to regret it. So allow me to justify my position especially in the context of the forthcoming general elections.

First, let me be as clear as I possibly can be, a vote to reelect Uhuru Kenyatta is a vote for William Ruto, President Kenyatta himself has made that crystal clear. Despite the uproar and disaffection and dissent against Ruto from the public at large and even those in his inner circle, President Kenyatta has decided that his allegiance to William Ruto supersedes allegiance to the Kenyan public at large – folks that speaks volumes about Kenyatta's view of the public, what we think doesn't matter let alone count. Kenyatta has not made or even attempted to make a distinction between himself and Mr. Ruto, why should we? As much as the president is a good guy, amiable and royalty in his own right, his retention of William Ruto as his deputy puts the country on perilous path and we owe it to ourselves to correct course now. Ruto has cast a spell on Kenyatta and made him beholden, to his enemies Ruto brags in public that they can't reach Kenyatta but through him just like Christians pray to God through the intercession of Jesus Christ. Who is really in charge guys? Ruto or Kenyatta?

The ICC ushered in Kenyatta and Ruto because Kenyans wanted to repudiate the ICC for what we thought was a political witch-hunt against Kenyatta. When Kenyatta picked Ruto as his running mate most of Kenyatta's supporters were outraged but elected him anyway. Ruto only benefited from Kenyatta's coattails and goodwill extended to Kenyatta by Kenyans. Goodwill which they promptly squandered and abused. They focused on their own defense at the ICC and used billions of shillings of taxpayer funds in the process; in the process they were distracted from governing and their cronies took over government operations. The result was an unprecedented corruption and looting. By the time the cases were dropped, Kenya's coffers had been emptied; William Ruto being a major beneficiary – unexplained wealth that he publicly and mockingly flaunts shamelessly. My point is the Jubilee government failed Kenyans when it mattered most and have therefore forfeited the goodwill and welcome extended to them in no small part due to one William Ruto, he is a drag on the government.

All else being equal, there's never been a time in our history where a seating government official, no less a deputy president, is accused of murder and is allowed to continue serving. William Ruto's name has been featured numerous times as a mastermind of murders of Kenyans, from the murders in Rift Valley in 2007/2008 that led to his indictment at the ICC, the disappearance and murders of witnesses such as Meshack Yebei, business man Jacob Juma, to the man that Cyrus Jirongo publicly testified and to several others. Even granting that the ICC was an aberration, subsequent events that implicate Ruto in killings and President Kenyatta's failure to take any action or even an investigation should alarm the country's conscience.

I am sure most Kenyans who remember the murder of Foreign Minister Robert Ouko back in 1990 and the subsequent investigations that followed. Then powerful minister Nicholas Biwott and other prominent government officials such as internal security Permanent Secretary Hezekiah Oyugi who were implicated were not only demoted but also arrested albeit for public relation purposes. The contrast between the KANU regime and Jubilee is like day and night. It is sad how low the government regards the lives of the governed. It is irreconcilable to me why a man in the shoes of William Ruto who is implicated in multiple murders with direct evidentiary testimony from the victim Jacob Juma just before he was brutally gunned down and eye-witness testimony from Cyrus Jirongo is still serving as the country's Deputy President. No investigations have been carried out, Ruto has never been questioned as to why his name keeps appearing in these murders and it clearly emboldens him, he is the modern day Al Capone, a hardened untouchable criminal only this time with full government backing and security; where does that leave the rest of us? Think about that folks, is this the guy we want leading the country? Are we going to ignore all the warning signs that are clearly in-front of us? Has history not taught us anything? Hitler, Musolini, Stalin, Milosovec, Amin, El Bashir, Saddam Hussein, all had similar characteristics to Ruto in their ascendancy to power; naked unbridled ambition to attain power and diabolical intentions which they executed once in power – the result was hundreds of millions dead. Kenya has already gotten a taste of that courtesy of William Ruto, do we want to enable that?   

This is perhaps the most worrisome of all because William Somoei Ruto, a certified ethnic warlord since 1992, has publicly said what he wants to do with one specific tribe, the Kikuyus. It is documented on video, some might think that he was joking, or perhaps it was political banter but don't be fooled folks, take Ruto at his word. Ruto, in a recorded speech, said that no other tribe in the country has the level of grievances against Kikuyus as the Kalenjins. He said the only way to fix those problems is first to get in government. So this is for you Kikuyus, take William Ruto seriously. In the opposition Ruto advanced the MADOADOA narrative which was an integral reason why Kikuyus and Kisiis in Rift Valley were killed in 2007/2008. Ruto's protégés and proxies in Rift Valley, notably Uasin Gishu governor Jackson Mandago just recently repeated Ruto's theme and explicitly told Kikuyus that they MUST return the favor in 2022 by voting for Ruto, or else….To Kikuyus, don't string the man along just because he supported Kenyatta, it is not fair to him, it is not fair to you and it is not fair to the country. The beef between Raila Odinga and Kikuyus is that their leadership used and dumped him and it precipitated the 2007/2008 Post Election Violence that was executed by Ruto himself; would the country survive another lash back directly from Ruto, a man who has amassed corruptly billions of shillings from the taxpayers to deploy against those who perceives as threats? Time to do something is now, let's not gamble on this folks.

My point is it is clear that Ruto's continued position as the country's deputy president is untenable; it poses existential threat to the nation; it not whether or not there will be another wave of ethnic violence, it is just a matter of when. By not taking steps now to prevent this, President Uhuru Kenyatta is not only aiding and abetting Ruto but facilitating this eventuality; it is up to the Kenyan electorate to stop it now, especially Kikuyus.

This goes without saying but I just want to remind you again that no other known public official in the country has the kind of corruption record as William Ruto. For someone who grew up a peasant and whose only career is government jobs to be now a multi-billionaire, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what is really going on. Ruto has a rap sheet a mile long over the years of corrupt dealings.  He uses brute force to steal from the most vulnerable and defenseless among us including some these recent documented acts by Ruto; remember Ruto forcefully dispossessed Mzee Adrian Gilbert Muteshi , a Post-election violence victim of 100 acres of land and was fined 5 Million shillings http://www.nation.co.ke/news/politics/Ruto-to-pay-Sh5m-in-land-case/1064-1898406-701k6yz/index.html . President Kenyatta should have relieved him of his duties at that point, he didn't. Because of impunity abetted by Kenyatta Ruto has been on a rampage with absolutely no regard or fear of the law or consequences of his actions; Ruto tried to steal Lang'ata Primary school land, even unleashing state police to teargas school protesting children- what savage monster does that? Deputy President William Ruto did that. And there are many instances, some known and most still unreported. My point is, do we just standby and allow this monster to continue ravaging the country or do we do something to stop him now? What is it going to take for us to stand up to the bully? This 2017 election is our chance folks and let's make a statement, even if it means electing Raila Odinga whom I just don't support but he's a much lesser evil than William Ruto, think about it.

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