[wanabidii] New content updates

Friday, September 09, 2016

Dear Wanabidii Africa Mashariki,

The following new content has been been added to our website:

Press Releases

09/09/2016 - Le Conseil d'Administration du Groupe de la Banque africaine de développement (BAD) a approuvé le 6 Septembre 2016 à Abidjan, le Document de Stratégie Pays (DSP-Mauritanie) de la BAD qui couvre la période 2016-2020. Ce document de stratégie s'articule autour de deux (2) piliers, notamment : Promotion de la transformation de l'Agriculture et Renforcement de l'offre de l'énergie électrique. Il vise à accompagner la Mauritanie dans ses efforts d'amélioration des conditions de vie des populations, de renforcement de la résilience du pays face aux vulnérabilités multiformes, et de transformation structurelle.

Categories: Mauritania, Agriculture & Agro-industries, Energy & Power, Human Capital Development, Poverty Reduction

09/09/2016 - Phase II of an African Development Bank-funded water program in Tunisia will improve water services for about 400,000 rural Tunisians. Approved by the Bank's Board of Directors on September 6, 2016, this program is designed to provide clean drinking water mostly to needy rural communities in about 20 prefectures.

Categories: Tunisia, Water Supply & Sanitation, Human Capital Development, Health, Partnerships, Rural Water Supply & Sanitation Initiative, African Water Facility, Rural Water Supply & Sanitation Initiative, African Water Facility


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