[wanabidii] Mastermind of 2010 Uganda Shabaab bombing that killed 76 people found guilty (M&G Africa) Friday, May 27, 2016 View a web version of this message 27 May 2016 Forward this message Invite a friend Mastermind of 2010 Uganda Shabaab bombing that killed 76 people found guilty The 13 men - seven Kenyans, five Ugandans and one Tanzanian - have been tried on charges of terrorism, murder and membership of a terror organisation Liberia charges top politicians, British mining company in massive corruption and patronage case The chairman of the ruling Unity Party, the parliamentary speaker and a former minister facing bribery charges, along with London-based Sable Mining. Africans in India living 'in fear' after killing of Congolese teacher, envoys say African Heads of Mission said they may recommend their governments not to send students to India until safety conditions improve Africa's rising, and trendy, middle class: time to sort out fact from fiction Deconstructing the fashionable discourse that a middle class will cure all region's ills is necessary to understand long-term growth trajectory. More from the Mail & Guardian Africa Weather, moods and money: exciting new things for African digital retailers, where the skies are your friend With the virtual trial room, abof.com reduced product return rate to nearly zero, and purchases of products available with 3-D trial is 400% higher Africa's film festivals that shed new light on the art form's growing power in the region The Pan African Film and Television Festival of Ouagadougou, founded in 1969, is the oldest biannual film festival dedicated to African films How to get to gender equality? New paper gives action plan for bridging gap - adding $12 trillion to global GDP Narrowing the global gender gap could secure $12 trillion of additional annual GDP in 2025 An Ethiopian Emperor, a Sudanese, and a Swiss prosecutor: the battle for a $1 million Patek watch Selassie's family say Ibrahim Abboud, former president of Sudan, and his family put the watch up for sale with Christie's Uber drivers with rave reviews in Kenya to qualify for loans on sweetheart terms The success of the business irked traditional taxi operators in Kenya who attacked Uber drivers. That violence only made the service more popular. Fitch Ratings cuts Mozambique's credit over $1.4 billion hidden public debt The country's annual public debt servicing costs are estimated to have almost doubled to about 4.5% of gross domestic product A quarter of a century after independence suffering Eritreans still yearn for freedom Money is flowing in exchange for allowing countries – ironically including both Iran and Israel – to maintain military bases within its borders Extremism and violence in Africa can be defeated – with lots of tolerance, and celebrating our diversity As a young man, I converted to Islam, as did many, but not, all of my family App that allows rural doctors seek advice remotely from experts scoops Africa health prize Malian Oumar Bagayoko beat more than 650 other candidates from Francophone African countries It already sells elephants to China; now Zimbabwe to lobby for lifting of global ivory trade ban Zimbabwe says its elephant population, estimated at 84,000, is twice what can be supported by available food and land Unsubscribe | Update Profile | View PDF | Pause Subscription | View Online Email Powered By This email was sent to wanabidii@googlegroups.com on 27-05-2016 Mail & Guardian is intended for opt in communication only. If you feel this email is unsolicited please report it to us. Share this : Digg Linkedin Stumbleupon Delicious Tumblr BufferApp Pocket Evernote