[wanabidii] Shlomit Krigman HY"D, UNESCO & Iran's Holocaust cartoons, Shlomo Rechnitz on Lakewood, Open Hillel - Jan. 26, 2016

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

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January 26, 2016 / 16 Shevat 5776


Headlines & Recommended

Beit Horon Terror Stabbing Victim Shlomit Krigman, HY'D, Laid to Rest
Shlomit Krigman, hy'd, 23, was performing her National Service when she was attacked by Arab terrorists.
Shlomit Krigman HY

Woman Dies from Wounds from Beit Horon Attack
Shlomit Krigman HY"D (23) was stabbed by the two terrorists yesterday.
Shlomit Krigman HY

Druse Guard: Terrorists Threw Pipe Bombs at Me So I killed Them
"One of the terrorist threw at me three or four pipe bombs that didn't explode. "
The Beit Horon grocery store

Beit Horon Grocery's Security Camera Captures Attack [video]
In this video, you can see the fast-thinking shopper in the grocery store blocking the terrorists from getting in, with nothing more than a shopping cart.
Security camera footage from the Beit Horon supermarket - Jan 25, 2016

How UNESCO Chief Learned to Live with Iran's Holocaust Toons
So far, Iran's only response to international condemnations was to up the first prize from $12,000 to $50,000.
Iranian Holocaust cartoons

Lapid: Iran Deal Now Funding Terror at Israel's Expense
Even though Yesh Atid took a beating in the last election, Yair Lapid hopes to become prime minister next time around.
Yesh Atid chairman Yair Lapid.

Demographer: PA Counts Hundreds of Thousands of Long-Gone Immigrants as Residents
Israeli Jewish women's birthrates are rising, while around the world the Jewish birthrate is down except among the ultra-Orthodox.
New citizens at a naturalization ceremony at Kennedy Space Center in 2010

IDF: Hamas Exploiting Gazan Entries Into Israel
Hamas is using daily Gaza humanitarian aid deliveries to sneak terrorists in and out of Israel, the IDF warns.
Inspecting trucks being loaded with goods to be delivered to Gaza.

IDF Prepares for Gaza Tunnel War in Next Conflict
The IDF is preparing its soldiers to battle against terrorists suddenly popping from tunnels.
Ban Ki-moon walks through a Hamas terror tunnel from Gaza to Israel. (October 2014)

Rechnitz: I help Lakewood Institutions I Know Would Never Accept my Own Children [video]
How dare you destroy another child's life because of your opinion about them? How dare you face God in prayer when you've snuffed out a Jewish soul?
Shlomo Rechnitz

Open Hillel Welcomes the Enemy into the Jewish Tent
A cabal of 55 morally incoherent anti-Israel US&Canadian profs formed Open Hillel's Academic Council
Open Hillel

Standing Against Hate: Whether It's The Confederate Flag or Terror Against Israel
As a member of the South Carolina House of Representatives, as a proud American I believe that standing with Israel is the duty of every single American...
South Carolina State Representative Jenny Horne

In the Hope of Inter-Religious Coexistence
My desire is from the bitter shall come sweetness; that barriers and fears will be shed with dialogue
Shoshanah Selevan

Different Style; Same Smile
I hope in time people look past my sheitl to see the fun/silly/daft & sometimes stupid real me again

Rabbi Kahane is Still Right
The action and suspense surrounding Kahane's life includes many historic moments and reads like a thriller
Rav Kahane on reserve duty 1983

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Different Style; Same Smile
My Point of Jew
Selena Myers

In the Hope of Inter-Religious Coexistence
A View from the Jewish Quarter
Shoshanah Selavan
Shoshanah Selevan

Opening Night! Very Off Broadway
Shiloh Musings
Batya Medad

Rami Levy sign

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