[wanabidii] Lefty activists turn in Arab land brokers for execution, Limmud dumps Tuvia Tenenbom, Temple Mount visits down, Adelson wanted to finance Iron Dome - Jan. 8, 2016

Friday, January 08, 2016

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January 8, 2016 / 27 Tevet 5776
Shabbat Shalom!


Headlines & Recommended

Report: Left Turns in Palestinian Land Brokers to Be Tortured and Executed [video]
One of the activists taped Nawi's bragging about how he turns in to the Palestinian Authority security forces Arabs who plan to sell land to Jews, with full awareness of their fate after they are caught.
Left-wing activist Ezra Nawi

Right-Wing NGO Files Complaint with Police Against Radical Activists in Land Brokers Scandal
MK Avi Dichter will ask the AG to launch a criminal investigation against B'Tselem, Ta'ayush and other extreme left-wing NGOs.
Ad Kan activists who infiltrated the left-wing NGOs.

Limmud Dumps Tuvia Tenenbom
"We were in a Jewish setting and you can only criticize Israel," Tenenbom said, "for me, that was the worst."
Tuvia Tenenbom

Temple Mount Visits Down in 2015
Islamic harassment and police restrictions have significantly reduced the number of visitors to the Temple Mount in 2015.
The number of Jewish and non-Muslim visitors to the Temple Mount: 2009-2015

20 Years after Bribery Conviction, AG Opens Door for Deri's Return to Interior
And so, another circle is complete in Israel's politics, as a minister who was caught breaking the Seventh Commandment makes way for a minister who was caught breaking the Eighth.
Shas chairman Aryeh Deri

Dead terrorist at Gush Etzion junction. Jan. 7, 2015.

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