[wanabidii] Ban Ki-Moon Doubles Down on anti-Israel rhetoric, Givat Ze'ev terror attack, Int'l Holocaust Day and Iranian Denial, Arabs stone Israeli MK - Jan. 28, 2016

Thursday, January 28, 2016

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January 28, 2016 / 18 Shevat 5776


Headlines & Recommended

Ban Ki-Moon Doubles Down on His Anti-Israel Rhetoric
Ban Ki-moon has become the new lobbyist for the Palestinian Authority terror state.
UN Chief Ban Ki-Moon has expressed his disgust at the expanding number of

Security Cam Footage From Givat Ze'ev Terror Attack [video]
The security camera from a restaurant near the attack last night in Givat Ze'ev caught the events leading up to the terrorist attack which left one man seriously wounded.
The terrorist walking behind the victim in Givat Ze'ev - Jan. 27, 2016

Givat Ze'ev Terror Victim's Condition Stabilized
He is currently out of surgery, unconscious and on a respirator.
Givat Ze'ev terror attack location - Jan. 28, 2016

Terror Attack Near Givat Ze'ev [video]
One person was seriously wounded in the burger restaurant at the Givat Ze'ev gas station.
Captured terrorist in Givat Ze'ev - Jan. 27, 2016

Iran's Holocaust Denial Film Strikes Deep Chord
Iran is once again working hard to incite the haters of the world against global Jewry.
Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei

Knesset Speaker: No words to describe hypocrisy of hosting Rouhani on Holocaust Day
Rouhani will address UNESCO, the United Nation's science and culture organization, on International Holocaust Remembrance Day.
Speaker Edelstein views Holocaust-themed exhibit at the Knesset

European Airlines Flying Back to Iran
European airlines are racing back to Tehran, but cautious in how they publicize their return.
Air France airliner. (illustrative)

Obama: US Must Lead Fight Against Rising Anti-Semitism
US President Barack Obama told a gathering at the Israeli Embassy in Washington, "We are all Jews."
U.S. President Barack Obama. Nov. 24, 2015.

Eshkol Mayor Seeks to Reassure Gaza Border Residents Following Tunnel Digging Complaints
Residents of Pri Gan, located about 4.5 kilometers from the southern Gaza Strip, have complained recently of digging sounds underneath their homes.
Entrance to a terror tunnel found in a civilian structure. Archive: August 2014.

Here's a Holocaust Story with a Happy Ending
Dina Gold's "Stolen Legacy" is the story of one woman's victory against the Nazis, albeit 60 years later.
Stolen Legacy, written by Dina Gold. She received restitution for her family's property, nearly 70 years after the Nazis stole it.

How Much Do Young People Know About the Holocaust? [video]
One author interviewed multiple random university students to find out what they knew about World War II. The answer: Almost nothing.
What do university students know about the Holocaust and World War II?

A Soldier's Mother: International Holocaust Remembrance Day
You want to remember the Holocaust, Europe? Great but please work harder at preventing the next one
never again

We Have Grown Used To Terror
The role of the state should be to provide its citizens with security, a justice system and vital national infrastructure
MK Moshe-Feiglin

The Value of Tolerance
by holding Wear a Kippah Day, Il Foglio challenges its readers to express support for tolerance

The Rebbe Predicted: New Precious Stones in Kishon River, Stock Up Overnight [video]
Haifa mayor was told by the Lubavitcher Rebbe that the depth of the sea near Haifa "is suitable for precious stones and gems."
Corundum stone / Wikipedia commons

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