[wanabidii] IDF to bar PA cars in Gush Etzion, Soldier stabbed, Israel stops Germany terror attack, $2M in Gold at checkpoint, NYTimes 1947 - Nov. 25, 2015

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

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November 25, 2015 / 13 Kislev 5776


Headlines & Recommended

IDF to Bar PA Arab Motorists from Gush Etzion Roads
The IDF is introducing new measures in light of the wave of Arab terror in Gush Etzion.
Israeli security inspect the vehicle of a Palestinian attacker who drove over Israelis near Alon Shvut, Gush Etzion, on May 14, 2015.

Update: Terrorist Killed after Stabbing IDF Soldier near Hebron
An IDF soldier was stabbed by an Arab terrorist on the road to Beit Haggai. The terrorist was neutralized. The soldier is badly hurt.
Medics evacuate Israeli wounded in Palestinian Authority stabbing attack south of Hebron Wednesday morning.

Light Rail Guard Prevents Stabbing Attack at Jerusalem Bus Station
Cleared for publication: Arab teenager from Old City took a large knife from home to murder Jews.
Israel Police have tightened security around the Jerusalem Light Rail .

Arab 'Gold Rush' in Jerusalem
An Arab who said he was an interior designer was stopped with NIS 2 million in gold bullion hidden in the side door of his car.
Gold bullion.

Arab Families Are Learning: Terrorists' Glory Doesn't Fill Their Bellies
Families of Arab terrorists are beginning to feel the pinch as Israeli measures against terror start to take hold.
The Geula terrorist was a Bezeq employee. Oct. 13, 2015.

Businessmen Want Rabbinic Boycott of Palestinian Authority Food Items
Quality dates from Palestinian Authority farmers are stamped "Made in Palestine" and "Certified Kosher by Rabbi Efrati."
Palestinian Authority workers gather dates.

'Israeli Intelligence Prevented Massive Terror Attack in Germany'
Report: Israeli sources, and not those from France as originally thought, warned exactly how terrorists planned to blow up a soccer match. A bomb was found in an ambulance.
Police outside Hanover stadium after Israeli intelligence information prevented a massive terror attack last week.

Eight Is Not Enough: History of the Ancient Candles in Israel
The Hanukkah commandment is to light the candles at the front door, or in a window overlooking the street, so they may be seen by passersby, as an announcement of the miracle.
Southern candle — 2-3 century CE

Inspired by 'Indiana Jones,' Israeli Kid Discovers 2,500-Year-Old Artifact
An 8-year-old Israeli child made a significant archaeological discovery while hiking with his family in the Judean Foothills region, west of Jerusalem.
kid with artifact

Report: IAF Attacked Assad, Hezbollah Outpost
The Qalamun Mountains, near the Lebanese border, are a major transit area for the Hezbollah fighters and their logistical equipment moving to and from Syria.
IAF fighter

Obama and Hollande Commit to Destroying 'Radical Terrorism' of ISIS
Hollande and Obama committed to defeating radical terrorism of ISIS, but neither mentioned the word "Islam."
U.S. President Barack Obama and French President Francois Hollande at the White House. Nov. 24, 2105

12 Dead in Terror Attack on Tunisia's Presidential Guard
The presidential guard in Tunisia came under attack on Tuesday in a blast that left 12 people dead.
Ismail Haniya, de facto Prime Minister in Hamas-ruled Gaza, gestures as he speaks in front of supporters of the Tunisian islamist Ennahdha Party on January 8, 2012 in Tunis.

Reflections on Islam: Go Ask The Imams!
When Westerners declare Islam's the religion of "Peace," they tend to ignore Islam's bloody history

Honoring Ezra Schwartz
Had the memorial taken place where Ezra was murdered, U.S. diplomats would have boycotted the event.

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