[wanabidii] EU Labels Israel, Terrorist saves Jewish man's life, The 'Women Rabbis' debate - Nov. 11, 2015

Thursday, November 12, 2015

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November 11, 2015 / 29 Heshvan 5776


Headlines & Recommended

Following EU Decision Israeli Supermarket Removes European Products from Shelves
The same market is running a special, 20% off on all the products from Judea and Samaria.
The note reads:

Exposé: EU Labels Settlement Products with Eye on 1948-Israel Goods
The EU claims its labeling products from Judea and Samaria is not a boycott, but evidence shows its aim is to label all Israeli goods.

Security Footage of Child-Terrorists on Jerusalem Light Rail [video]
The 2 child-terrorists suddenly attacked a man.
Child Terrorists on Jerusalem Light Rail

Anti-Israel activists at the Kotel.

Terrorist Stabbing Saves Jewish Man's Life
While undergoing surgery for his wounds, the doctors discovered a tumor.
Herzl Street, Rishon Lezion

Warning Signs and "Micro-Deprivation"
Everyone spouts theories trying to explain the Islamic-driven terror, except to say that it is Islamic-driven.
The littlest terrorist

Report: Netanyahu Asked Obama to Recognize the Golan Heights
The anarchy and jihadist threat in Syria make it more plausible for the United States to recognize Israeli sovereignty over Golan, but don't hold your breath.
Tourists visiting the vineyards in Kibbutz Ortal in the Golan Heights.

40 Years Ago this Week, UN Resolution Equating Zionism with Racism
Forty years ago, a dark chapter was written in the UN's history, and despite the retraction of the resolution, the hypocrisy and delegitimization against Israel still echo in the halls of the UN.
Ambassador Chaim Herzog tearing up UN Resolution 3379 in 1975

California Campus Stabber Carried Copy of ISIS Flag
New information about California campus stabber raises questions about motive and religious connection.
University of California at Merced.

Diary of Terror: 'Calm' Is Relative
Israelis and the media have become so used to stabbings that dozens of rock-throwing attacks and riots get lost in the shuffle.
Rioting Arabs clashing with IDF soldiers near the Qalandia checkpoint north of Jerusalem.

Netanyahu Hits Home Run in US as MVP (Most Valuable Politician)
Bibi covered all the bases - Obama, the right-wing American Enterprise, the Federations and a liberal group.

Leadership Or Directionless Maneuvering?
The PM slammed more limitations on Jews entering the Temple Mount accelerating the current outburst.
MK Moshe-Feiglin

Ultra-Orthodox Coalition Partners Enraged by Netanyahu's Promises to the Reform
Health Minister Yaakov Litzman (United Torah Judaism) said that the statement is contrary to the promises of the Prime Minister to his party.
Prime Minister Netanyahu speaking before the the General Assembly of the Jewish Federations of North America

Solving the "Women Rabbis" Argument
What it boils down to is Open Orthodoxy wanting to ordain women as "rabbis," the RCA does not

Setting the Record Straight: Why the Rabbinical Council of America "banned women rabbis."
(Guest contributor, Rabbi Mitchell Rocklin is a member of the Executive Committee of the Rabbinical Council of America} Why would anyone want to ban women rabbis? And why now? As one of the organizers and supporters of what has been characterized as the Rabbinical Council of America's recent "ban on women rabbis," I would like […]

Justice Minister Shaked Plans to Block High Court from Killing Legislation
"While in the Israeli Supreme Court there are 15 justices who receive 9,000 cases a year … in the UK there are 12 justices of the supreme court who deal with 100 cases a year."
Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked

National Review, Conservatism, And Jews
Did you know Jews played a key role in the formative years of conservative icon National Review?
The First Issue of National Review, Nov. 19, 1955

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