[wanabidii] Arab Snipers shoot 3 in Hebron over Shabbat, $10K Reward for Killer, President Yitzchak Navon (94) - Nov. 7, 2015

Sunday, November 08, 2015

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November 7, 2015 / 25 Heshvan 5776
Shavua Tov!

Headlines & Recommended

Arab Sniper Fire in Hebron Wounds 3 Over Shabbat
Two Jewish teenagers were shot by an Arab sniper over Shabbat in Hebron.
Paramedics wheel a wounded Israeli man into the emergency room of the Shaare Zedek Medical Center on November 6, 2015,

One 16-Year-Old Arab Sniper Captured Near Hebron
The Arab sniper who shot the soldier was captured.
Rifle used to shoot an IDF soldier on Nov. 6, 2015.

Arab Media Post Video of 'Innocent Elderly Woman' Aiming Car at IDF [video]
The video shows the woman driving slowly but directly into a group of soldiers. It does not show that there was a commando knife in her handbag.
Arab woman driver driving on empty street and in the path of Israeli soldiers who dodged her at the last second.

Friends of Man Run Over in Hebron Offering $10 Thousand for Killer
Arab media have been raging over the new initiative, and gave it major play on Palestinian Facebook news sites like Ramallah News.
wanted poster

Update: Stabbing Near Rami Levy Supermarket
There was a stabbing attack near the Rami Levy supermarket in Shaar Binyamin.
Scene of the attack near the Rami Levy (Sha'ar Binyamin). Nov. 6, 2015.

Yitzchak Navon, Fifth President of Israel, Dies at Age 94
The President of Israel from 1978 to 1983, unlike his predecessors, was born in Israel and unlike his successors, was a respected educator.
Yitzchak Navon, the fifth President of Israel.

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