[wanabidii] Press Releases: Special Advisor for Children's Issues Travels to Uganda and Ethiopia

Monday, October 26, 2015

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10/26/2015 12:38 PM EDT

Special Advisor for Children's Issues Travels to Uganda and Ethiopia

Media Note
Office of the Spokesperson
Washington, DC
October 26, 2015

Special Advisor for Children’s Issues, Ambassador Susan Jacobs, will visit Uganda and Ethiopia from October 26-31.

Special Advisor Jacobs will travel to Uganda to deliver remarks at the National Forum on the State of the Ugandan Child. She will also meet with government officials, non-governmental organizations, and other experts to encourage strengthening child protection systems. She will discuss intercountry adoption as an option for children living outside of family care.

Special Advisor Jacobs will then visit Ethiopia to meet with government officials and discuss ways to cooperate and improve the intercountry adoption process. She will also visit with non-governmental organizations in promoting solutions for children needing permanent families.

For more information about children’s issues, please visit: ChildrensIssues.state.gov

For updates on Special Advisor Jacobs’ trip, follow her on Twitter: @ChildrensIssues

For press inquiries please contact CAPRESSREQUESTS@state.gov or (202) 485-6150.

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