[wanabidii] Shana Tova from JewishPress.com - Sept. 13, 2015

Sunday, September 13, 2015

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September 13, 2015 / 29 Elul 5775

Shana Tova uMetuka!


Headlines & Recommended

May 5776 Be a Better Year and a Good Year
The continuity of alarming current events this past year are just what the doctor ordered for the Days of Repentance.
Apple and Honey

Arabs Attack Police on Temple Mount [video]
Arabs armed themselves with weapons inside the mosque before the clash.

Compare Obama's Rosh HaShanah and Eid-ul-Fitr Messages [Video]
The President preached to Jews that they are not in control and should have a "sweet year" with neighbors. He told Muslims in July they celebrate a great holiday.
Americans voted for a change in 2008. And they got it.

Half Standards: Gun Control and the Iranian Nuclear Weapons Deal
Dem Presidential candidates pursue policies for Iran far less rigorous than they expect of Americans
Hillary Clinton and Sen. Bernie Sanders.

White House in Love with its Folly
The WH ignores what the Ayatollahs have been shouting from their rooftops since the fall of the Shah
Presidents Rouhani and Obama.

Towering Crane Collapses on Mecca's Grand Mosque
At least 107 people are dead and hundreds more are wounded after a crane collapsed Friday at the Grand Mosque in Mecca.
Pilgrims circling the Ka'aba in the Masjid al-Haram, the Grand Mosque in Mecca, during the annual Hajj.

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