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August 31, 2015 / 16 Elul 5775 |
Headlines & Recommended Obama Cashes in on Separating Israel from American Jews' Concerns Obama knows how to capitalize on the bulk of American Jews, who want Israel to be a nice Jewish boy that doesn't make them feel uncomfortable President Barack Obama declared that American Jews' concerns are like those of Afro-Americans and other Americans, indicating that Israel is not one of those worries. He unsurprisingly chose the left-wing […] | |
Second Temple-Era Podium May Be Discovery in City of David The Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) has made an exciting announcement: A 2,000-year-old podium may have been found in the City of David section of the Old City of Jerusalem. A unique stepped structure exposed on the street ascending from the 'Siloam Pool' to the Temple Mount is raising questions among the researchers at IAA. The […] | |
Connect To Disconnect Both "Half-Shabbat" & R' Yosef's opinion champion an extreme. There most certainly is a happy medium | |
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