[wanabidii] Fake Susiya, Iran Rally, Caroline Glick, Father of the nuclear bomb - July 23, 2015

Thursday, July 23, 2015

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July 23, 2015 / 7 Av 5775



Headlines & Recommended

US Adopts the International Lie of a Fictional Arab Village
European Union-American acceptance of the lie of "Arab Susiya" is a twisted anti-Semitic libel on which the entire Arab claim to all of Israel is based.
Arab girls with sign promoting the lie that they have lived there for decades. Aerial maps prove no Arabs lived there.

Stop Iran Rally Draws 12,000 to Times Square (Photo Essay)
12,000 people filled Times Square at the Stop Iran Now rally in NY's Times Square.
The electronic billboard screen behind the stage at the NYC Stop Iran Rally. July 22, 2015.

It Was Good to See Sanity in America Last Night
The "Stop Iran" rally was a voice of sanity coming from the American people, and directed at Senator Chuck Schumer who holds the keys...
Stop Iran Rally

Organizers of 'Stop Iran Now' Say Times Square Rally Drew 12,000 Protesters
On Tuesday, a "Stop Iran Now" rally kicked off what is planned to be a 60 day battle for the hearts and minds of legislators to oppose an agreement that would mean an end to sanctions against Iran, in exchange for assurances about limiting its nuclear program.

Corker Tells Kerry: You've Been Fleeced
" I'm sorry to say this, but I think you've been fleeced."
John Kerry at today's Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing on ObamaDeal.

Another Morgenthau Challenges A President
Morgenthau's speech echoes history, reprising his father's role of speaking truth to power: FDR
Former Manhattan District Attorney Robert Morgenthau

Netanyahu Gambled–And Lost Badly
Why didn't Israel bomb Iran a decade ago? Operationally&diplomatically it would've been much simpler
MK Moshe-Feiglin

At Least One Jew Will Vote for Trump
Michael Cohen, one of Donald Trump's closest aides, says the candidate really has a great relationship with Latinos.
Michael Cohen, Donald Trump's special counsel,

European Think Tank with Ties to Israeli Left Pushing Sanctions on Banks over Jewish Settlements
The ECFR report allegedly dropped stock prices, but maybe someone should have first asked if the EU was actually considering the proposal.
ECFR's Middle East and North Africa (MENA) program head Daniel Levy.

End to Building Freeze in Judea, Samaria
The Civil Administration subcommittee on settlement holds a hearing about the end to the building freeze in Judea & Samaria.
Arab construction workers build new homes for Jews in the community of Tzufim in western Samaria.

No Police Restrictions in Tisha B'Av Walk Around Jerusalem Walls
For the first time, there are no police restrictions on the annual Tisha B'Av evening walk around Jerusalem's Old City walls.
Entering the Old City of Jerusalem via the Zion Gate.

Tisha B'Av And Today's Politics
We know we are closer than ever to saying goodbye to Tisha B'Av mourning and greeting our Redemption

2nd Violent Arab Rioter Dies After Attacking IDF Soldiers
In the second such incident in 24 hours, a violent PA Arab is dead after attacking IDF soldiers during an arrest.
Arab rioters hurling rocks at Israeli soldiers during clashes in the village of Aboud, near Ramallah, March 8, 2013.

8 Yr Old Arab Boy is 'Terrorist in Training' at Mount of Olives
An 8-year-old Jerusalem Arab boy is learning to be a terrorist; he was caught hurling rocks at police on the Mt. of Olives.
Mount of Olives.

Synagogue Vandalized in Jerusalem, Torah Stolen in Ramat HaSharon
Anti-Semites torch a Holy Ark and scrawl swastikas at a popular Jerusalem synagogue; thieves steal a Torah scroll in Ramat HaSharon.
Beit Midrash Pitchei Olam is located near a popular hotel and residential district in Jerusalem.

You Have Dwelt Long Enough in Brooklyn and Beverly Hills!
Torah wasn't given to be kept in Sinai; Brooklyn or Beverly Hills-It was meant to be kept in Israel!
Torah scroll. (illustrative only)

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