[wanabidii] The Bad Deal with Iran Edition, ISIS blows up baby, Good news: New Olim - July 14, 2015

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

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July 14, 2015 / 27 Tammuz 5775



Headlines & Recommended

Iran's Rouhani Says He's 'Happy 27 Months Brought Success'
Iran's President Hassan Rouhani says he's "happy 27 months of talks have brought success" with a nuclear deal.
Iran's President Hassan Rouhani

The Greatest of Fools‏
Pres. Obama, you foolishly speak of peace and agreements with a nation sworn to annihilate Israel.
Folly of 'Stage 1' Thinking

Kerry Describes 'Historic' Nuclear Deal Signed Between World Powers, Iran
The US and Iranian presidents told their nations the nuclear deal was signed, as US Secy of State John Kerry announced it to the world from Vienna.
US Secy of State John Kerry announcing historic nuclear agreement with Iran from Vienna.

Zarif Says Deal Heralds 'New Chapter of Hope' (for what?)[video]
For the hope of Iran to be able to obtain a nuclear weapon and threatened Israel and the entire Middle East?
EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini and Iranian Foreign Minister Zarid Jarif at Vienna on Tuesday.

'Peace for Our Time' – Iran Nuclear Deal Announced on 'Black Tuesday'
An announcement of an agreement is expected at 11:30 a.m. (4:30 a.m. EDT).

Iran's Version of Nuclear Deal Differs Even at Press Release Level
The most scant examination of the Iranian version of the deal reveals disturbing differences between it and the Western version.
Obama on Iran Deal

Turkey Hails Nuclear Deal, Saudi Arabia Grim on Future
Turkey hails the nuclear deal between world powers and Iran; Saudi Arabia is grim.
Instabul street scene.

The Iran Challenge: Was There Another Way?
ANY agreement with Iran should have been predicated upon the drastic transformation of the regime
Public hangings are commonplace

Netanyahu Urges National Unity against 'Historic Mistake'
The Prime Minister said the deal will give Iran hundreds of millions of dollars to fuel terror.
Netanyahu displaying the 3 stages of Iran's nuclear program at the U.N. Thursday.

Tzipi Livni Blames Netanyahu for 'Bad Deal'
Her "logic:" Netanyahu went head-to head against Obama and lost all chances for a "better deal."
Livni and Netanyahu.

Iranian Courts Fine US $50 billion
The United States must pay compensation for "killing Iranian nationals by assisting their enemies."
Iran's Judiciary Spokesman Gholam Hossein Mohseni Ejei.

Israel's Ambassador to the US Focuses on Iran in CUFI Speech
At the 10th Annual CUFI Summit, the audience was warned about the consequences of the imminent nuclear deal with Iran.
Israel's Ambassador to the United States, Ron Dermer. July 13, 2015.

Michelle Obama's Cousin Named Head of Black Jews' Movement
Funnye is the spiritual leader of the Beth Shalom Bnai Zaken Ethiopian Hebrew congregation in Chicago and the only black rabbi on the Chicago Board of Rabbis.
Rabbi Capers Funnye

Netanyahu Effectively Freezes Judea and Samaria Construction
The Likud explained that Netanyahu is promoting the settlement enterprise with wisdom and responsibility, in the face of a complex international reality.
beit-el - likud

Aliyah to Har HaBayit/Ascending the Temple Mount: Can Rabbis be Wrong?
Despite mutual admiration between Glick and Rav Bin-Nun, they disagree on Jews ascending Har HaBayit
(From left to right) Yehuda Glick, Rav Yoel Bin-Nun, moderator- Arnon Segel

Peace-Loving Jewish Left-Dwelling Americans
Jewish Americans opposing the "Occupation" believe Jewish people have no indigenous rights to Israel
israeli-american flags

Arrested: Boston ISIS Fan Who Planned to Execute Students at US College
Boston man, fan of ISIS, arrested for planning to execute American students.
Guns seized as evidence in the case against American ISIS supporter Alexander Ciccolo.

ISIS Detonation 101: Booby-Trapping and Detonating Infant
ISIS teaches a detonation device course using an infant who was booby-trapped and blown up.
ISIS terrorist carries the group's black flag.

World Jewish Athletes to Gather in Hitler's Stadium July 28
World Jewish athletes will gather in Hitler's stadium in Berlin on July 28 for The Maccabi Games.
The opening ceremony of The Maccabi Games takes place on July 28, 2015.

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