[wanabidii] The Ship of Fools Edition, Terror attacks, Rabbi Riskin, Gun rights, Gay marriage - June 29, 2015

Monday, June 29, 2015

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June 29, 2015 / 12 Tammuz 5775


Headlines & Recommended

Flotilla of Fools

IDF Intercepts #FreedomFlotilla, or at Least What Was Left of It
The Marianne of Gothenburg was the only boat that didn't turn around. Now it's going to Ashdod.
Flotilla of Fools

PM Netanyahu's Letter to the #FreedomFlotilla of Fools
"Welcome to Israel! It seems you got lost. Perhaps you meant to sail to a place not far from here - Syria..."
Flotilla of Fools

The Last of the Flotillas
The pathetic failure of the Marianne to reach Gaza is the best thing that has happened to Israel since Hamas mis-fired a rocket on its own civilians.
Activists on the Marianne boat that the IDF made sure to arrive in Ashdod instead of Gaza.

Rabbi Riskin
Chief Rabbinate Bows to Pressure to Extend Rabbi Riskin's Term
Chief Sephardi Rabbi: "'God has not made me a woman,' not like someone from Efrat who comes up with all kinds of new ideas, makes news and and wages wars."
Rabbi Shlomo Riskin.

Statement from the Office of Rabbi Shlomo Riskin
Rabbi Riskin is pleased and honored to continue to serve the residents of Efrat...
Rabbi Riskin in an Efrat shul.

Terror Attacks
Update: Female Terrorist Stabs Woman Soldier at Jerusalem Checkpoint
The Israeli soldier suffered serious wounds.
Soldier being evacuated by ambulance after being stabbed.

IDF Stops Jerusalem Arab Teenager with Automatic Machine Gun
One of those "degrading" inspections at a checkpoint may have foiled a mass murder.
Military police at checkpoint.

IDF Catches Rifle-Armed Hamas Woman on Her Way to Shoot Jews
Hamas proves once again it is liberal when it comes to promoting "equal opportunity martyrs."
This is the rifle that a Palestinian Authority woman carried on her mission to shoot Jews.

Dear Palestinian Shooter – How the Heck Did You Do That?
Dear Muslims, Happy Ramadan. It's clear from the news that your people are having a "bang-up" month
A Soldier's Mother

Presidents and Guns
Our Tactless President is Right for a Change
The President was right, every Jew should have a gun. He just asked the wrong person about it.
President Rivlin at a

Rivlin Asked Terror Victim's Family, 'Why Didn't He Carry a Gun'
Not even Shimon Peres would have been so cold-hearted.
President Rivlin at a

Gay Marriage and Religious Liberty
OU Weighs in on SCOTUS Gay Marriage Decision
The OU respects the process which led to the Obergefell decision, but prays religious liberty won't be sacrificed.
The U.S. Supreme Court

Pre-Occupied UN Human Rights Council Debates One Issue – Israel
The "occupation" was the most popular word in today's session.
Iran complains about human rights violations at the U.N.Human Rights Council.

Pro-Israel Rally at UNHRC in Geneva
Some 1,000 rally Monday at the UNHRC offices in Geneva to show support for Israel.
More than 1,000 supporters of Israel rallied today outside the U.N. office at Geneva.

Netanyahu: Nuclear Talks Going From 'Bad Agreement to Worse'
Israeli PM Netanyahu warns nuclear agreement between Iran and world powers is going from bad to "worse."
PM Binyamin Netanyahu.

More Blood, Death, and Horror
Think political Islam's a problem now just wait until an Islamist nuclear umbrella covers the region

Kerry Might Celebrate 4th of July by Talking with Iran on Deal
Iran wants a nuclear bomb for "peace purposes," meaning the annihilation of Israel.
Zarif and Kerry on the Fourth of July?

a la Fiorina
Fiorina's wrong about Islam which embraces our death&destruction confusing pc theories for hard fact
Carly Fiorina

Israeli Supreme Court Control Over the IDF
Wonder why Israel has the world's most insane rules of engagement imposed on its military? Read on..
Pres. Rivlin and PM Netanyahu with the justices of the Supreme Court

Israeli Physician Explains 'Why We Have Never Met Aliens'
Israeli physician Dr. Yuval Rabinovich reviews possible reasons 'why we have never met aliens.'
Even in our local solar system there are numerous moons and planets for a celestial traveler to choose from.

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