He will not be mocked. He will bring judgement upon those who corrupt the flesh. Jesus Christ lives, reigns forever and ever.
Read and understand your bibles.
Many do not understand what is going on behind the agenda that is being pushed upon the people of the world. For those who do not understand what took place on Friday was the sodomizing of America and the biggest blow of corruption to this nation.
You do not have to agree but what is documented is factual and will prove the true disgusting agenda of corruption that is heading for this nation. Below is just what will begin if America does not REPENT.
A gay pride youth party in Taiwan went horribly wrong last night as a special effect consisting of huge clouds of rainbow-colored glitter particles was launched into the air over the partygoers. To the shock and horror of everyone, the metallic glitter ignited, raining down a firestorm of death upon hundreds of attendees who were burned alive.
The Natural News Taiwan office has given us exclusive information concerning this event which is not being reported elsewhere in the western media:
• Over 600 people were injured in the firestorm, not the 200 or so being mentioned in the media. Local hospitals are completely overrun with burn victims, and some victims with less severe burns were turned away from hospitals.
• There is no common knowledge among Taiwan citizens — who are almost all urban city dwellers — that dispersed metallic particles can easily ignite in the air. Although this knowledge is very common in the Midwest of the USA, for example, where grain elevators must be on constant alert to prevent grain explosions, nobody in Taiwan seemed to have any knowledge that this could happen. That clouds of metallic glitter particles could spontaneously ignite was a complete surprise to most Taiwanese, even after the event took place.
• The event was planned as a celebration of gay marriage legalization around the world. It was not heavily promoted as a "gay pride" event because being openly gay is not widely accepted in Taiwan society (which is still culturally quite conservative as far as family values go). Instead, the event was promoted using the key word "rainbow," the universal global symbol associated with gay pride.