[wanabidii] Bennett pushes back, Hamas Dentist of Death, Oldest 10 Commandments - May 5, 2015

Tuesday, May 05, 2015

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May 5, 2015 / 16 Iyyar 5775



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Bennett Goes Underground as Likud's Anxiety Increases
With just a day to go, Bennett finally gives serious push-back to Netanyahu's threats and inadequate proposals.
Naftali Bennett and Ayelet Shaked

With Liberman Out , Bennett Toughens Position, But Who Will Blink First?
Netanyahu is short-changing Bayit Yehudi. But is Bayit Yehudi tough enough to take advantage of Liberman's sudden exit?
Shas chairman Aryeh Deri and Bayit Yehudi chairman Naftali Bennett.

Hamas Dentist of Death Arrested and Indicted
The Israeli-Arab dentist personally and systematically transferred Hamas's terror money on a daily basis...
A Hamas mask.

Oldest Set of 10 Commandments Showing in Israel
The oldest copy of the Ten Commandments in the world is on display at Israel's national museum.
A worker of the Israel Antiquities Authority sews fragments of the Dead Sea scrolls, in a preservation laboratory at the Israel Museum in Jerusalem.

6 Anglo Aliyah Immigrants to Receive NBN Bonei Zion Prize
Six immigrants from English-speaking countries will receive awards from Nefesh B'Nefesh at a ceremony next Tuesday.
President Ruby Rivlin greets new Olim as they step off the plane.

Watch Hamas Film Banned by Gaza U. because of Fears of Losing Funding [video]
The Islamic University does not want to blow its cover and lose foreign aid.
Screenshot from Hamas movie that was banned by the Islamic University of Gaza.

Court Allows Glick on Temple Mount – without Cell Phone
Yehuda Glick finally can return to the holy site, but only once a month.
Tour guide Yehuda Glick (right) leading a group on Temple Mount.

ISIS Claims 'Credit' for Attack at Mohammed Cartoon Contest
"We tell America that what is coming is more bitter and harder."
Aftermath of Texas attack by terrorists in attack now claimed by the Islamic State.

Israel Issues Travel Warning for Nepal
Israel's Foreign Ministry is telling its citizens not to travel to Nepal and telling those already there to think twice about extending their stays there due to rising hazards.
Chabad of Kathmandu served some 2,000 meals a day to displaced and homeless Nepalese following the earthquake, with help from local and Israeli volunteers led by Chabad-Lubavitch emissaries Rabbi Chezky Lifshitz and his wife Chani.

The Baltimore Riots and Jewish Gangs
I stated with clarity in simple terms, "Jews don't have gangs."
Rioters smash window of police car in Baltimore.

The Trenton Trial: Was It Kidnapping To Free An Agunah?
FBI's undercover agents contacted ORA (Org. for the Resolution of Agunot) pretending to be an agunah
Nathan Lewin

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