[wanabidii] UK Election 2015 - Resettling Syrian Refugees: An opportunity for the next government

Friday, April 10, 2015

UK should resettle 10,000 Syrian refugees

In the first in a series of articles on foreign policy opportunities for the next government, Neil Quilliam argues that the UK should admit and/or resettle 10,000 Syrian refugees.

Dr Neil Quilliam | Acting Head | Middle East and North Africa Programme

There is no end in sight to the Syria conflict. The flow of refugees will continue to place neighbouring countries under severe political, social and economic strain, raising the prospect of further destabilization across the region. There is a clear link between instability in the Middle East and the UK's increasing vulnerability to security threats.

Current UK government policy towards Syrian refugees only accentuates these threats. Instead, the UK government should underpin regional stability and support Syrian refugees and neighbouring countries by resettling or providing temporary admission to 10,000 vulnerable Syrians. It should do this through two channels. First, it should increase the number of refugees it admits under the Vulnerable Persons Relocation (VPR) scheme – from hundreds at present to 5,000. And second, it should grant entry to a further 5,000 refugees through a humanitarian temporary admission programme, selecting those most vulnerable on the basis of established UN criteria.

The government should also lead international efforts to encourage other states to provide similar routes for a further 180,000 refugees. Although this number is still only a small proportion of the total, resettling or providing temporary admission on such a scale would signal the international community's solidarity with displaced Syrians and deepen its commitment to shoulder responsibility for their welfare.

Taken together, the above measures would not only contribute to easing the plight of Syrian refugees, but would also offer tangible benefits for UK security, foreign policy, trade and investment.

Read the full article >

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