[wanabidii] Rav Aharon Lichtenstein, Who's a Terrorist and Who's a Terror Victim? Memorial Day- April 21, 2015

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

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April 21, 2015 / 2 Iyyar 5775



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My Encounter with Rav Lichtenstein
What was supposed to have been a 15 minute interview, turned into an intense learning session and intellectual battle, the likes of which I had never experienced in my entire life.
Rav Aharon Lichtenstein

Thousands Mourn Rabbi Lichtenstein
"He did not know what anger was and never engaged in slander."
Student at Har Etzion Yeshiva reads announcement of the death of Rabbi Lichtenstein.

Is an Arab Murdered by Arab-Hating Jews a 'Terror Victim?'
The name of the Jerusalem teenager burned to death by three Jews has been added to the Victims of Terror Memorial.
Mohammed abu Khdeir - terror victim or murder victim?

Arab Who Killed Cherki with His Car Admits He 'Was Looking for Jews'
Police and Israel's establishment left-wing media initially tried to make believe it was an accident.
Khaled Koutineh admits he intended to run over and kill kills with his car.

Though an ardent Zionist, I'm neither blind nor naïve and have ambivalence for each of the 3 dates

President Rivlin's Independence Day Message Thanks Jews in the Diaspora
He thanks Jews who stand up for Israel but didn't even hint they should make Aliyah.
President Rivlin delivers Yom Ha'Atzmaut greetings to Jews in the Diaspora.

Bad Deal by Bibi; We Should have Demanded IDF Bodies for PA Money!
Bibi gives a great speech, especially when talking to foreigners, but on policy, he's very weak.
Oron Shaul, Hadar Goldin, both murdered last summer by Arab terrorists from Gaza,

Brandeis Commencement Speaker Leads Iran Cheerleader Squad
Forget about Israel, doesn't Brandeis care about Iran's abysmal human rights record?
Amb. Thomas Pickering testified before the House Armed Services Committee, about Iran's nuclear program on June 19, 2014.

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