[wanabidii] Bibi's YouTube message to Obama, Livni/Herzog echo Bibi to Obama, Hillary Clinton - April 12, 2015

Sunday, April 12, 2015

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April 12, 2015 / 23 Nisan 5775



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Netanyahu Addresses Obama Via YouTube, Since the Telephone is Broken
Netanyahu is hoping Obama will finally hear his recommendations if he posts them on YouTube, since Obama is claiming he doesn't hear them at all.
Netanyahu reiterating on bad deal

Echoing Netanyahu, Livni and Herzog Criticize Major Holes in Obama Deal
While Obama chooses to ignore Netanyahu's criticisms, Israel's leftwing Herzog and Livni warn about the same exact gaping holes in Obama's nuclear deal with Iran.
Yitzchak Herzog and Tzipi Livni of the Zionist Union

Obama Spins Tale that Netanyahu Offered no Alternative to Iran Deal
Days after Netanyahu has outlined an alternative to the Iran deal. Obama says, "I have yet to obtain a good answer."
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Obama Rolls Red Carpet for Hillary Clinton's Presidential Run
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Former Secretary of State and First Lady Hillary Clinton. (archive)

Obama's Jewish Support Sinks to 50 Percent
Support for Obama from religious Jews is only 34 percent. Next year in New Hampshire?
T-Shirt: Jews against Obama

Israel, THE Liberal Country of the Middle East
Israel's probably the most liberal country from Western Europe to Australia and down to South Africa

Righting a Wrong
Why are employers reluctant to hire Charedim? Legitimate concerns or plain old fashioned prejudice?
Chareidi at work on computer

The End of Israel…A Message for Tuvia Tenenbom
The book's 2 main points: Jewish self-hatred and anti-Semitism of the past are alive, even thriving

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