[wanabidii] What they teach in the "Palestinian State", Congress pushes back, Preparing for Pesach - Mar. 27, 2015

Friday, March 27, 2015

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March 27, 2015 / 7 Nisan 5775
Shabbat Shalom - Shabbat HaGadol



Headlines & Recommended

Palestinian Authority School Children: Boycott Israel by Killing Jews [video]
Has anyone asked Obama why Netanyahu should even think about agreeing to a Palestinian Authority country?
Palestinian Authority TV broadcasts incitement from children's school theater.

Senate Warns Obama by 100-0 Vote for Pro-Sanctions Amendment
The non-binding vote approves funds for imposing sanctions if Iran violates a deal.
Republican Sen. Kirk at Senate debate on pro-sanctions amendment.

Congressmembers: No More Money for Talks With Iran
Congress is 'fed up' with being left in the dark on the Iran negotiations
Iran's nuclear enrichment facility at Fordow is in an underground bunker.

'Arab-Israel Alliance' Leaving Obama Isolated
Obama's "two-state" phobia shows how much he and his experts do not understand the Middle East.
Netanyahu and Saudi King Salman.

Killer of Dalia Lemkus Receives 2 Life Sentences
The family demanded the death penalty.
Friends and family mourn during the funeral ceremony of Dalia Lemkus at the Jewish Tekoa on Tuesday.

Golan Druze Arrested for Spying on IDF for Syria
The main suspect confessed to passing on information to Syria through the Internet.
Druze from the Golan Heights gather in the village of Majdal Shams requesting that the area to revert to being under the authority of the Syrian government.

Saudi Arabia Opposes Hebrew Names for Jerusalem Gates
Israel reportedly wants to change the names to Hebrew, which would affront Muslim sensitivities.
Jews pray and march at the closed gates of the Temple Mount.

So, hey, yeah…we have nuclear weapons
"Israel has nuclear weapons & it isn't afraid to use them if necessary-Does that frighten you? Good"
The Dimona nuclear reactor dome. Iran has been using Israel's reluctance to join the NPT to escape criticism of its own program.

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